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O presente relatório foi concebido no âmbito do projeto realizado na empresa Grupo ACIN,
nomeadamente na plataforma GTS (Global Trusted Sign) que é prestadora de serviços de
confiança, para a conclusão do curso de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, da Universidade da
Este projeto tem com principal objetivo a reestruturação da plataforma GTS, de modo a utilizar
tecnologias mais recentes, adicionar novos requisitos, tal como a compra de diversos produtos em
simultâneo, nomeadamente através de um carrinho de compras. Tem também o intuito de separar
o front-end do back-end, uma vez que a plataforma antiga foi implementada seguindo uma
estrutura MVC, o que irá melhorar o método de desenvolvimento.
Neste relatório irá ser abordado o processo de desenvolvimento seguido, desde a análise de
requisitos, fluxogramas e protótipos, até à implementação das diversas áreas, assim como a
elaboração dos testes automatizados da plataforma.
Será também discutido o produto final implementado, assim como os constrangimentos
encontrados durante o desenvolvimento do mesmo e os requisitos que não foram possíveis alcançar
atempadamente. O resultado, foi uma plataforma que permite a compra e geração de certificados
digitais, que serão posteriormente utilizados para assinar digitalmente documentos.
This report was conceived within the project carried out in the company Grupo ACIN, namely in the GTS (Global Trusted Sign) platform, which is a provider of reliable services, for the completion of the master’s course in Computer Engineering, at the University of Madeira. This project has as main objective of restructuring the GTS platform, to use the latest technologies, add new requirements, such as the purchase of several products at the same time, namely through a shopping cart. It is also intended to separate the frontend from the backend, since the old platform was implemented following an MVC structure, which will improve the development method. This report will address the development process followed, from the analysis of requirements, flowcharts, and prototypes to the implementation of the various areas, as well as the elaboration of the automated tests of the platform. The final product implemented will also be discussed, as well as the constraints encountered during its development and the requirements that were not possible to achieve in time. The result was a platform that allows to purchase and generate digital certificates, which will later be used to digitally sign documents.
This report was conceived within the project carried out in the company Grupo ACIN, namely in the GTS (Global Trusted Sign) platform, which is a provider of reliable services, for the completion of the master’s course in Computer Engineering, at the University of Madeira. This project has as main objective of restructuring the GTS platform, to use the latest technologies, add new requirements, such as the purchase of several products at the same time, namely through a shopping cart. It is also intended to separate the frontend from the backend, since the old platform was implemented following an MVC structure, which will improve the development method. This report will address the development process followed, from the analysis of requirements, flowcharts, and prototypes to the implementation of the various areas, as well as the elaboration of the automated tests of the platform. The final product implemented will also be discussed, as well as the constraints encountered during its development and the requirements that were not possible to achieve in time. The result was a platform that allows to purchase and generate digital certificates, which will later be used to digitally sign documents.
Aplicação web Back-end Front-end RestAPI React Processo de desenvolvimento de software Engenharia de software Métodos ágeis Testes unitários Testes de integração Web application Backend Frontend Software development process Software engineering Agile methods Unit tests Integration tests Engenharia Informática . Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia