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Um dos filmes mais conhecidos de Manoel de Oliveira, Non ou a vã glória de
mandar, apresenta um grupo de soldados que enfrentam a guerra na África no ano de
1974. Oliveira reconta, em uma espécie de Os Lusíadas às avessas, a história de Portugal,
mas através das amargas derrotas sofridas dentro e fora do território lusitano, sempre
decorrentes da “vã glória de mandar”. Em cada episódio retratado, verifica-se o fracasso
em disputas sociais e territoriais - que vão desde o evento histórico de Viriato, líder das
tribos lusitanas na resistência aos romanos; até a famigerada batalha de Alcácer-Quibir e
os resultantes desígnios do sebastianismo. Elencando uma série de episódios que
remontam à história de Portugal, Manoel de Oliveira busca fazer uma reflexão sobre a
dimensão humana e cultural do povo português tendo o espaço lusitano como mote para
compreender essa relação. Este artigo procura analisar no filme Non ou a vã glória de
mandar, as relações estabelecidas entre o cinema e o conceito de território que servem
de fio condutor para a reflexão sobre a formação de uma nação, além de observar o
cinema de Oliveira como espaço para a expressão do retrato da identidade social
: One of the most knowned films of Manoel de Oliveira, No, or the Vain Glory of Command, presents a group of soldiers facing the war in Africa in the year 1974. Through this film Oliveira recounts, like is done in Os Lusíadas, the history of Portugal, but through the bitter defeats suffered inside and outside the Lusitanian territory, always stemming from the "vain glory of command", In the episodes portrayed, there is a failure in social and territorial disputes - ranging from the historical event of Viriato, who leads the Lusitanian tribes in resistance to the Roman invasion; Until the notorious battle of Alcácer-Quibir and the resulting designs of Sebastianism. Listing a series of episodes that go back to the history of Portugal, Manoel de Oliveira, in this film, seeks to reflect on the human and cultural dimension of the Portuguese people. This work seeks to analyze in the film No, or the Vain Glory of Command, the relations established between the cinema and the concept of territory that serve as the guiding thread for the reflection on the formation of a nation, besides observes the cinema as a space for the expression of the portrait of Portuguese social identity.
: One of the most knowned films of Manoel de Oliveira, No, or the Vain Glory of Command, presents a group of soldiers facing the war in Africa in the year 1974. Through this film Oliveira recounts, like is done in Os Lusíadas, the history of Portugal, but through the bitter defeats suffered inside and outside the Lusitanian territory, always stemming from the "vain glory of command", In the episodes portrayed, there is a failure in social and territorial disputes - ranging from the historical event of Viriato, who leads the Lusitanian tribes in resistance to the Roman invasion; Until the notorious battle of Alcácer-Quibir and the resulting designs of Sebastianism. Listing a series of episodes that go back to the history of Portugal, Manoel de Oliveira, in this film, seeks to reflect on the human and cultural dimension of the Portuguese people. This work seeks to analyze in the film No, or the Vain Glory of Command, the relations established between the cinema and the concept of territory that serve as the guiding thread for the reflection on the formation of a nation, besides observes the cinema as a space for the expression of the portrait of Portuguese social identity.
Cinema português Identidade nacional Manoel de Oliveira Non ou a vã glória de mandar Cinema e território Portuguese cinema National identity No, or the Vain Glory of Command Cinema and territory . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades
Universidade da Madeira