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Este trabalho de investigação pretende ser um contributo para o estudo dos regionalismos utilizados no concelho da Ponta do Sol (ilha da Madeira). Para levar a cabo este projeto, selecionámos um conjunto de cento e sessenta palavras e, através da aplicação de um inquérito semasiológico, procuramos aferir a sua vitalidade, nomeadamente junto das novas gerações.
Neste estudo abordamos alguns aspetos lexicais e semânticos do português falado na Madeira (ou dialeto madeirense), centrando-nos no(s) falar(es) da Ponta do Sol e / ou variedades locais. Evidenciamos ainda algumas diferenças no uso dos regionalismos estudados nas diversas localidades do concelho e damos conta da variação linguística por faixas etárias e por níveis de escolaridade.
O estudo dos regionalismos levanta sempre muitas questões, nomeadamente a distinção entre linguagem regional e linguagem popular, pois, muitas vezes, a maior parte dos vocábulos que são considerados regionalismos são, na verdade, corruptelas ou variantes populares utilizadas em todo o país, sobretudo nos meios rurais, pelas camadas menos escolarizadas da população. Contudo, na prática, distingui-las não é uma tarefa fácil. Esse foi um dos nossos desafios.
A sistematização de toda a informação lexical e semântica recolhida é feita através do glossário dos regionalismos estudados e mostra-nos bem a riqueza ou variedade dos mesmos, pois, se por um lado constatamos a conservação de palavras antigas, embora algumas estejam a cair em desuso junto das novas gerações, por outro lado encontramos vocábulos que têm vindo a ganhar novos significados, atestando a sua vitalidade.
This research work intends to contribute to the study of regionalisms used in the municipality of Ponta do Sol (Madeira Island, Portugal). In order to accomplish this project, we have selected a group of one hundred and sixty words and by the application of a semasiological survey, we have tried to check its vitality, mainly amongst the younger generations. In this study we have approached some lexical and semantic aspects of the spoken Portuguese in Madeira (or Madeiran dialect), focusing on the speaking in Ponta do Sol and / or local varieties. We also point out some differences in the use of the studied regionalisms in the diverse locations of the municipality and we perceive the linguistic variation by age groups and school education levels. The study of regionalisms always brings several questions up, such as the distinction between regional and popular language, as many times, most words which are considered regionalisms are, indeed, corruptions or popular variants used all over the country, mainly in rural areas, by the least schooled population. Nevertheless, to differentiate them is not an easy task. That has been one of our challenges. The systematization of all lexical and semantic information that was gathered is made by the glossary of the studied regionalisms and shows us quite well the abundance or variety of those. So, if in one hand we find out the preservation of ancient words, though some of them are falling into disuse among the new generations, on the other hand we find words that have been gaining new meanings, attesting their vitality.
This research work intends to contribute to the study of regionalisms used in the municipality of Ponta do Sol (Madeira Island, Portugal). In order to accomplish this project, we have selected a group of one hundred and sixty words and by the application of a semasiological survey, we have tried to check its vitality, mainly amongst the younger generations. In this study we have approached some lexical and semantic aspects of the spoken Portuguese in Madeira (or Madeiran dialect), focusing on the speaking in Ponta do Sol and / or local varieties. We also point out some differences in the use of the studied regionalisms in the diverse locations of the municipality and we perceive the linguistic variation by age groups and school education levels. The study of regionalisms always brings several questions up, such as the distinction between regional and popular language, as many times, most words which are considered regionalisms are, indeed, corruptions or popular variants used all over the country, mainly in rural areas, by the least schooled population. Nevertheless, to differentiate them is not an easy task. That has been one of our challenges. The systematization of all lexical and semantic information that was gathered is made by the glossary of the studied regionalisms and shows us quite well the abundance or variety of those. So, if in one hand we find out the preservation of ancient words, though some of them are falling into disuse among the new generations, on the other hand we find words that have been gaining new meanings, attesting their vitality.
Variação linguística Regionalismos Dialeto madeirense Linguagem popular Falar da Ponta do Sol Língua portuguesa Ponta do Sol, Madeira (Portugal) Linguistic variation Regionalisms Madeiran dialect Popular language Variety of spoken european portuguese Estudos Linguísticos e Culturais . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades