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As empresas que vendem produtos ou serviços podem emitir por ano milhares ou até mesmo milhões de faturas. Para cada fatura emitida, esta deve ser devidamente entregue ao destinatário e é necessário seguir o seguinte fluxo: primeiramente, a fatura é impressa e colocada num envelope que de seguida é enviado para o correio. Depois, o correio fica responsável por entregar a fatura ao cliente. Todo esse processo de entrega da fatura ao destinatário é dispendioso e demorado para as empresas.
Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste projeto de mestrado consiste em desenvolver um sistema de faturas eletrónicas capaz de ultrapassar todo o processo de entregas de faturas ao destinatário referido anteriormente. Ou seja, o novo sistema de faturas eletrónicas deve garantir a entrega da fatura ao destinatário sem qualquer alteração da mesma, com baixo custo e o mais rápido possível.
O sistema desenvolvido disponibiliza várias funcionalidades tais como, integração com vários sistemas de faturação, receção de faturas eletrónicas dos sistemas de faturação, envio de fatura emitidas para o destinatário, receção de faturas dos seus fornecedores, criação de ligações entre entidades, entre outras funcionalidades.
Está previsto que a solução desenvolvida de Faturas Eletrónicas seja lançada para o mercado brevemente.
Companies that sell products or services can issue thousands or even millions of invoices a year. Each invoice issued must be properly delivered to the recipient and must follow the following flow: first, the invoice is printed and placed in an envelope that is sent to the mail. Then the mail is responsible for delivering the invoice to the customer. This whole process of delivery of the invoice to the recipient is expensive and time-consuming for the companies. In this sense, the goal of this master’s project is to develop a system of electronic invoices capable of surpassing the entire process of delivering invoices to the recipient. That is, the new electronic invoice system must guarantee the delivery of the invoice to the recipient without any change thereof, with low cost and as fast as possible. The developed system offers several functionalities such as, integration with multiple invoicing systems, reception of electronic invoices from invoice systems, send invoice issued to the recipient, reception of invoices from its suppliers, creating links between entities, among other functionalities. It is expected that the developed Electronic Invoices solution will be released to the market soon.
Companies that sell products or services can issue thousands or even millions of invoices a year. Each invoice issued must be properly delivered to the recipient and must follow the following flow: first, the invoice is printed and placed in an envelope that is sent to the mail. Then the mail is responsible for delivering the invoice to the customer. This whole process of delivery of the invoice to the recipient is expensive and time-consuming for the companies. In this sense, the goal of this master’s project is to develop a system of electronic invoices capable of surpassing the entire process of delivering invoices to the recipient. That is, the new electronic invoice system must guarantee the delivery of the invoice to the recipient without any change thereof, with low cost and as fast as possible. The developed system offers several functionalities such as, integration with multiple invoicing systems, reception of electronic invoices from invoice systems, send invoice issued to the recipient, reception of invoices from its suppliers, creating links between entities, among other functionalities. It is expected that the developed Electronic Invoices solution will be released to the market soon.
Angular API RESTful Aplicações móveis Faturas eletrónicas Larave Testes HTTP Mobile application Electronic invoices Laravel HTTP Tests Engenharia Informática . Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia