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CreaSenses: fostering creativity through olfactory cues

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Smell is a strong trigger of memories and creativity. Different smells can create sensitive environments that can foster creative tasks. In this paper, we present CreaSenses, a study that includes olfactory cues, representing different types of sensitive environ ments such as “food” and “ambience” in a within-subject design. Our aim was to obtain a deeper understanding of which smell cues promote higher levels of creativity during the process of creative writing. We discuss the results in the light of creative senses and potential implications for the design of creativity support tools. In addition, our study was evaluated trough the Creativity Support Index.



Creativity support tools Creativity Olfaction Odor User studies . Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia


Gonçalves, F., Cabral, D., & Campos, P. (2018, September). CreaSenses: fostering creativity through olfactory cues. In Proceedings of the 36th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (pp. 1-4).

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