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A produĆ§Ć£o da energia eĆ³lica tem vindo a subir exponencialmente ao longo dos anos em todo o mundo, devido ser a energia renovĆ”vel com menor impacto ambiental. Para tal sĆ£o necessĆ”rias torres eĆ³licas de altura elevada que suportam os geradores, dependendo de diversos parĆ¢metros como a altura da torre, local de implantaĆ§Ć£o (onshore ou offshore) e tipo de sistemas estruturais a utilizar.
Esta dissertaĆ§Ć£o tem como intuito avaliar qual o sistema estrutural mais adequado para diferentes alturas, ambientes distintos (terra e mar) e tipo de material.
As aƧƵes impostas nas torres no seu dimensionamento foram a aĆ§Ć£o do vento, a aĆ§Ć£o da onda do mar e a aĆ§Ć£o sĆsmica. O processo de dimensionamento foi desenvolvido no programa Microsoft Excel, respeitando sempre os pressupostos expostos nos EurocĆ³digos e RSA.
Quanto Ć modelaĆ§Ć£o das torres, foi adotada uma geometria definida pelo autor, de modo a que cada uma verificasse a seguranƧa. A modelaĆ§Ć£o das 20 torres foi feita no programa de cĆ”lculo SAP2000 - Structural Analysis Program.
Depois de cada torre ter sido modelada e dimensionada, passou-se Ć fase da anĆ”lise e comparaĆ§Ć£o entre elas, diferenciando estas pelo local em que estĆ£o colocadas, chegando assim a uma conclusĆ£o de qual o sistema estrutural mais vantajoso de ser contruĆdo tanto a nĆvel econĆ³mico como estrutural nos dois meios distintos.
Concluiu-se que nas torres onshore, as torres treliƧadas de aƧo sĆ£o mais vantajosas para uma construĆ§Ć£o com alturas superiores aos 100 metros enquanto as torres tubulares em aƧo sĆ£o mais vantajosas abaixo dessa mesma altura, pois sĆ£o mais econĆ³micas do que as de betĆ£o. Quanto Ć s torres offshore, apenas as torres tubulares de aƧo sĆ£o as mais indicadas, independentemente da sua altura.
Throughout the years the production of energy provided by wind has risen substantially, due to the fact that it is the renewable energy with less environmental impact. For this, wind towers with considerable height that can withstand the generators are necessary, depending on diverse factors such as the height of the towers, the place of implementation (onshore or offshore) and the type of structural systems used. This dissertation has the intention of evaluating which structural system is the most appropriate for different heights, distinct environments (land and sea) and types of material. The loads imposed on the towers during the design were the wind load, wave load and seismic load. The design process was developed on Microsoft Excel, always respecting and taking into account the rules established by the Eurocodes and RSA. The model of the towers, a geometry defined by the author was adopted, so that each one verified its safety. The modelling of the 20 towers was developed on the software SAP2000 ā Structural Analysis Program. After each tower being modelled and designed, the analysis and comparison phase between them started, comparing them by their area where they were placed, arriving then at a conclusion of which structural system had more advantages of being constructed both economically and structurally in the two different environments. It was concluded that in the onshore towers, the lattice tower is more advantageous for a construction higher than 100 meters while the tubular towers in steel are more advantageous for constructions lower than 100 meters, as they are more economical than the concrete towers. In relation to the offshore towers, only the tubular towers are the most appropriate, whatever their height may be.
Throughout the years the production of energy provided by wind has risen substantially, due to the fact that it is the renewable energy with less environmental impact. For this, wind towers with considerable height that can withstand the generators are necessary, depending on diverse factors such as the height of the towers, the place of implementation (onshore or offshore) and the type of structural systems used. This dissertation has the intention of evaluating which structural system is the most appropriate for different heights, distinct environments (land and sea) and types of material. The loads imposed on the towers during the design were the wind load, wave load and seismic load. The design process was developed on Microsoft Excel, always respecting and taking into account the rules established by the Eurocodes and RSA. The model of the towers, a geometry defined by the author was adopted, so that each one verified its safety. The modelling of the 20 towers was developed on the software SAP2000 ā Structural Analysis Program. After each tower being modelled and designed, the analysis and comparison phase between them started, comparing them by their area where they were placed, arriving then at a conclusion of which structural system had more advantages of being constructed both economically and structurally in the two different environments. It was concluded that in the onshore towers, the lattice tower is more advantageous for a construction higher than 100 meters while the tubular towers in steel are more advantageous for constructions lower than 100 meters, as they are more economical than the concrete towers. In relation to the offshore towers, only the tubular towers are the most appropriate, whatever their height may be.
Energia eĆ³lica Vento Torre onshore Torre offshore Sistemas estruturais Wind energy Wind Onshore tower Offshore tower Structural systems Engenharia Civil . Faculdade de CiĆŖncias Exatas e da Engenharia