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A construção civil é um dos setores que empregou amianto abundantemente em inúmeras aplicações devido às suas características particulares. Atualmente existem imensas estruturas que possuem a presença de diversos materiais com amianto, que diariamente comportam vários tipos de intervenções de manutenção, demolição, reconstrução, entre outras, sem que seja dado qualquer tipo de atenção nesta matéria, constituindo uma ameaça à saúde pública. Considerado altamente cancerígeno pela IARC, a sua exposição traz graves consequências à saúde. Em Portugal, há um aumento gradual, mas significativo das doenças relacionadas com amianto. Existe diversa legislação nacional face à rubrica do amianto, transposta de Diretivas internacionais e europeias. Atualmente, o decreto vigente relativo à proteção sanitária dos trabalhadores contra o risco de exposição durante o trabalho é o Decreto-Lei n.º 266/2007, de 24 de Julho.
É de evidenciar que a RAM vai de encontro a esses conceitos, uma vez que tem em vigor uma iniciativa denominada de “Amianto Zero”, que pretende a isenção do amianto nos bairros sociais, escolas e edifícios públicos.
Esta dissertação faz uma sucinta caracterização e identificação sobre o amianto, sintetizando de forma global os procedimentos necessários à remoção na RAM. Com o objetivo de conhecer os procedimentos necessários junto das autoridades e das empresas, realizou-se o acompanhamento a três intervenções de remoção de amianto, pois predispõem de várias fases e metodologias práticas adequadas a cada tipo de amianto. Iniciou-se com o acompanhamento a uma empresa especializada em remoção de amianto em Portugal Continental, onde foram removidos painéis de fibrocimento de uma escola pública (amianto não friável). Posteriormente, acompanhou-se uma empresa de construção civil na remoção de fibrocimento num bairro social na RAM (amianto não friável). Finalizando o acompanhamento numa empresa especializada na remoção de amianto, para remoção de isolamento da cabine de uma locomotiva (amianto friável).
Neste sentido, o acompanhamento das intervenções vem possibilitar o aperfeiçoamento de alguns procedimentos na RAM, de forma a facilitar o trabalhador na utilização de equipamentos necessários à remoção, contribuindo para uma prevenção à saúde do mesmo.
Embora as empresas na RAM demonstrem capacidade junto das autoridades para exercer a remoção de amianto, na prática verificou-se que nem todas atuam de forma a eliminar a suspensão de fibras de amianto no ar, empregando técnicas inadequadas, que continuam a ser uma ameaça à saúde pública, sendo necessário um maior acompanhamento das autoridades, de forma a garantir a correta remoção.
Construction is one of the sectors that employed abundantly asbestos in many applications because of their particular characteristics. Currently, there are numerous structures that contain several materials with asbestos, which are used daily and oblige to various types of interventions of maintenance, demolition, reconstruction, among others, without being given any kind of attention in this area, being a threat to public health. Considered highly carcinogenic by the IARC, the exhibition to these materials brings serious consequences to public health, in Portugal there is a gradual but significant increase of asbestos-related diseases. The existing national legislation that regards the use of the asbestos is diverse, transposed from European and International Directives, currently the decree in force concerning the health protection of workers against the risk of exposure is Decree-Law no. 266/2007 of July 24. It is important to highlight that RAM addresses these concepts and has an initiative called “Zero Asbestos”, that wants the asbestos removal of social housing, schools and public buildings. This dissertation makes a brief characterization and identification on asbestos, synthesizing globally the procedures necessary to its removal in RAM. In order to be acquainted with the necessary procedures to the authorities and the companies, it was held the follow-up of three interventions of asbestos removal, because they predispose of several phases and practical methodologies appropriate to each type of asbestos. In this sense, the follow-up of the interventions makes possible the improvement of some procedures in the RAM, in order to facilitate the worker in the use of equipment necessary for the removal, contributing to a prevention of their health. It began with the follow-up to a company specialized in asbestos removal in the Mainland, where fiber cement panels were removed from a public school (non-friable asbestos). Later, a construction company was accompanied in the removal of asbestos in a social area in RAM (non-friable asbestos). Finishing the follow-up in a company specialized in the removal of asbestos, to remove the insulation from the cabin of a locomotive (friable asbestos). Although companies to the RAM demonstrate their ability to carry out the removal of asbestos, in practice not all of them act to eliminate the suspension of asbestos fibers in the air, using inadequate techniques that continue to be a threat to public health, necessitating greater monitoring of the authorities in order to ensure correct removal.
Construction is one of the sectors that employed abundantly asbestos in many applications because of their particular characteristics. Currently, there are numerous structures that contain several materials with asbestos, which are used daily and oblige to various types of interventions of maintenance, demolition, reconstruction, among others, without being given any kind of attention in this area, being a threat to public health. Considered highly carcinogenic by the IARC, the exhibition to these materials brings serious consequences to public health, in Portugal there is a gradual but significant increase of asbestos-related diseases. The existing national legislation that regards the use of the asbestos is diverse, transposed from European and International Directives, currently the decree in force concerning the health protection of workers against the risk of exposure is Decree-Law no. 266/2007 of July 24. It is important to highlight that RAM addresses these concepts and has an initiative called “Zero Asbestos”, that wants the asbestos removal of social housing, schools and public buildings. This dissertation makes a brief characterization and identification on asbestos, synthesizing globally the procedures necessary to its removal in RAM. In order to be acquainted with the necessary procedures to the authorities and the companies, it was held the follow-up of three interventions of asbestos removal, because they predispose of several phases and practical methodologies appropriate to each type of asbestos. In this sense, the follow-up of the interventions makes possible the improvement of some procedures in the RAM, in order to facilitate the worker in the use of equipment necessary for the removal, contributing to a prevention of their health. It began with the follow-up to a company specialized in asbestos removal in the Mainland, where fiber cement panels were removed from a public school (non-friable asbestos). Later, a construction company was accompanied in the removal of asbestos in a social area in RAM (non-friable asbestos). Finishing the follow-up in a company specialized in the removal of asbestos, to remove the insulation from the cabin of a locomotive (friable asbestos). Although companies to the RAM demonstrate their ability to carry out the removal of asbestos, in practice not all of them act to eliminate the suspension of asbestos fibers in the air, using inadequate techniques that continue to be a threat to public health, necessitating greater monitoring of the authorities in order to ensure correct removal.
Amianto Legislação Remoção de amianto Amianto friável Amianto não friável Madeira (Portugal) Asbestos Legislation Asbestos removal . Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia