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  • Public perceptions, knowledge, responsibilities, and behavior intentions on marine litter: Identifying profiles of small oceanic islands inhabitants
    Publication . Bettencourt, Sara; Freitas, Diogo Nuno; Costa, Sónia; Caeiro, Sandra
    Marine litter is a global threat, particularly on oceanic islands where the problem is exacerbated. Perceptions, knowledge, awareness, and attitudes towards the theme are crucial in its mitigation and prevention. This study assessed these points through a questionnaire to the inhabitants of a Portuguese archipelago. Data revealed that people associate marine litter with plastic and its impacts and are well informed about its sources and pathways. Yet, the degradation rates of marine items were frequently underestimated and the problem of marine litter was attributed, among others, to littering, single-use products, and excessive packaging. Some individuals did not consider themselves responsible for reducing marine litter, attributing responsibilities to third parties. The youngest group, men, and students were the ones who reported less litter-reducing intentions and behaviors. Distinct profiles were traced using the questionnaire’s answers, highlighting who needs marine litter literacy. Individuals who do not consider marine litter a current threat and live in a community that does not care about marine litter (profiles 1 and 2) were the groups that needed deeper intervention, due to their low perception and understanding of the problem. Marine litter literacy, management, and governance measures are necessary so that the public recognizes marine litter as a current threat, is worried about its impacts, avoids plastic use, and choses re-useable products (profile 4). In the studied oceanic islands, results indicated marine litter is not fully perceived by the public. A global and transformative shift in the way people are educated and behave towards waste and pollution is required, thereby highlighting the importance of increasing public perceptions assessment and marine litter literacy in the society.
  • O papel do Observatório Oceânico da Madeira na promoção da literacia do oceano
    Publication . Costa, Sónia; Caldeira, Rui
    A Literacia do Oceano é definida como a compreensão da influência que o oceano tem em nós e da nossa influência no oceano. Muitas instituições desenvolvem iniciativas nesta área. Na Região Autónoma da Madeira, o Observatório Oceânico da Madeira (OOM) tem atuado como facilitador e promotor deste tipo de literacia. Para isso, tem contado com o contributo de investigadores de várias áreas das ciências marinhas: Biodiversidade, Pescas e Maricultura, Modelação e Previsão Meteo-Oceanográfica, Teledeteção e Seguimento Remoto de animais marinhos. Entre 2016, ano em que iniciou ações educativas e de divulgação de ciência de forma regular, e 2019, o OOM contabilizou mais de 5500 alunos em cerca de 140 palestras, atividades teórico-práticas e lúdico-didáticas, foram ministrados 7 módulos formativos para professores e participou e organizou diversas iniciativas de aproximação da ciência ao público.