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  • Storytelling in design for social innovation and politics: a reading through the lenses of Hannah Arendt
    Publication . Tassinari, Virginia; Piredda, Francesca; Bertolotti, Elisa
    The German philosopher Hannah Arendt believes that storytelling can be used to reopen the idea of public space and to facilitate dialogue/action amongst citizens aimed at attaining a more participative society. She regards storytelling as the only real political action, as it opens up the idea of public space where everybody is invited to take part in the discussion in which decisions upon the polis – the common realm – are taken together. Arendt goes back to Aristotle’s definition that man is a political animal, “zoon politikon”. To participate in the construction of the common realm and to be an active component of societal life is what defines the most profound human vocation. Arendt sees this as the meaning of the word “hero”; not a superman, but rather one who contributes to the construction of the public sphere. This paper further expands on the political implications of storytelling in social innovation, by taking into account the writings of Arendt as well as some experimentations of use of storytelling in social innovation taken place at international level.
  • 1 question 10 answers: an exercise to examine methods of non-fiction story-making and processes of interpretation
    Publication . Bertolotti, Elisa; Serbanescu, Anca
    '1 Question 10 answers' is a didactic exercise, de signed to investigate the notion of interpretation in communication design, and to reflect upon issues that arise in the creation of non-fiction narratives. In particular, this research analyses the relationship between the interviewer and the interviewee, as well as the poetic devices of col lection, tabulation and repetition in storytelling. The exercises discussed in this project were ap plied in various educational contexts: initially from 2017-2019 on the Typography modu le of the BA in Design at the Universidade da Madeira (Madeira, Portugal), and subse quently in February 2021 during an intensive workshop with MA Communication students in the School of Design at the Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy). The exercise consisted of posing a question to ten people and collecting their narrative res ponses, before exploring how these might be interpreted as texts and translated into artefacts. The results produced by the students at the Universidade da Madeira were small books, while the students at Politecnico di Milano in vented communication systems within several different types of media. This article discusses ‘the rules of the game’ applied during the exercises, describes the lear ning process, and analyses various works made by the students reflecting on delicate balance that exists between a work of interpretation and the processes of dialogue and active listening.
  • The pearl diver: the designer as storyteller
    Publication . Bertolotti, Elisa; Daam, Heather; Piredda, Francesca; Tassinari, Virginia
  • Atlantic wonder. Exploring nature and design in Madeira island
    Publication . Vezzani, Valentina; Gonzaga, Susana; Bertolotti, Elisa
    This paper describes and reflects upon the experience of the first international summer school “Atlantic Wonder” (SSAW18) happened in Madeira last July 2018. This event was the first experiment of a wider research that pretends to understand how Design can contribute to the preservation of natural resources and ecosystems. This summer school was designed with a complex programme using a series of different tools and approaches (i) to tackle the lack of a conversation and culture on a local level recognising Nature as one of the main resources; (ii) to put in dialogue an international design group of participants with local experts working in the fields of biology, botany, geology, agronomy and sustainable development; (iii) to experiment a new design driven, Nature-led approach. The SSAW18 allowed cross fertilization and interdisciplinary responses that in the end of the experiment resulted to be collaborative, novel and inspiring.