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Este estudo tem como objetivo refletir acerca da construção de
masculinidades/homossexualidades nas trajetórias de professores gays, egressos dos
cursos de licenciatura em Pedagogia, Matemática e Biologia do Campus VII, da
Universidade do Estado da Bahia – UNEB, tendo em vista os processos de
construção de gênero e sexualidade, em suas trajetórias de vida, formação
acadêmica e, exercício profissional. Desenvolvemos uma pesquisa qualitativa com
descrição e interpertação das narrativas (auto)biográficas, produzidas por seis
professores gays. Dessas narrativas emergiram as produções educativas
heterossexistas e normatizadoras que visam transformar crianças em adultos. O
poder disciplinar sobre os corpos no contexto escolar é disseminado por práticas
educativas instituídas que hierarquizam, regulamentam e padronizam espaços,
atividades pedagógicas, cores, modos de se comportar, brinquedos e,
brincadeiras, como sendo adversativas, ou para meninos ou para meninas.
Contudo, os corpos gays impõem-se ao problematizarem questões não passíveis de
discussão. Os sujeitos desenvolveram estratégias de enfrentamento das normas
heterossexistas. Isso resultou numa nova concepção do que é ser estudante,
assumindo uma postura queer. Ser queer funcionou como instrumento pedagógico,
para permanecer na escola, enquanto um direito social para resolver os atos
preconceituosos e excludentes.
This study aims to reflect on the construction of masculinities / homosexualities in the trajectories of gay teachers, graduated in Pedagogy, Mathematics and Biology courses at Campus VII, of the State University of Bahia - UNEB, in view of the construction processes of gender and sexuality, in their life trajectories, academic education and professional practice. We developed a qualitative research with description and interpretation of (auto) biographical narratives, produced by six gay teachers. From these narratives emerged the heterosexist and normative educational productions that aimed to transform children into adults. The disciplinary power over bodies in the school context is disseminated by instituted educational practices that hierarchize, regulate and standardize spaces, pedagogical activities, colors, ways of behaving, toys and games, as being adversative, or for boys or for girls. However, gay bodies impose themselves by problematizing issues that cannot be discussed. The subjects developed strategies to cope with heterosexist norms. This has resulted in a new conception of what it is to be a student, taking a queer posture. Being queer functioned as a pedagogical tool to stay in school, as a social right to resolve prejudiced and exclusionary acts.
This study aims to reflect on the construction of masculinities / homosexualities in the trajectories of gay teachers, graduated in Pedagogy, Mathematics and Biology courses at Campus VII, of the State University of Bahia - UNEB, in view of the construction processes of gender and sexuality, in their life trajectories, academic education and professional practice. We developed a qualitative research with description and interpretation of (auto) biographical narratives, produced by six gay teachers. From these narratives emerged the heterosexist and normative educational productions that aimed to transform children into adults. The disciplinary power over bodies in the school context is disseminated by instituted educational practices that hierarchize, regulate and standardize spaces, pedagogical activities, colors, ways of behaving, toys and games, as being adversative, or for boys or for girls. However, gay bodies impose themselves by problematizing issues that cannot be discussed. The subjects developed strategies to cope with heterosexist norms. This has resulted in a new conception of what it is to be a student, taking a queer posture. Being queer functioned as a pedagogical tool to stay in school, as a social right to resolve prejudiced and exclusionary acts.
Narrativas (Auto)biográficas Gênero Homossexualidades Performatividade Professores (Auto) biographical narratives Genre Homosexualities Performativity . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais
Rios, P. P. S., Dias, A. F., & Brazão, J. P. G. (2019). Lembro-me de querer andar durinho, como se diz que homem deve ser: a construção do corpo gay na escola. Revista Exitus, 9(4), 775-804.
Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará/UFOPA