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O projeto de Universidade de que somos herdeiros, desenvolvido na
Idade Média, nasce assente no princípio da universalidade, no diálogo
entre disciplinas e na demanda do conhecimento à luz de um ideário
de procura da unidade dos saberes, garantindo ao mesmo tempo a
sua autonomia epistemológica na construção de um saber mais holís tico sobre a complexidade do ser humano e do cosmos. As disciplinas
englobadas hoje nas «Humanidades» desempenhavam um papel cen tral numa formação que se pretendia o mais possível unificadora das
etapas de produção de conhecimento disciplinar fragmentário. Com a
crescente deriva da especialização na construção do conhecimento e
com a valorização das áreas científico-técnicas em nome de exigências
económico-sociais, as tradicionais Humanidades têm sofrido uma se cundarização no quadro universitário, correndo o risco, em alguns ca sos, do seu desaparecimento. É, assim, fulcral refletir sobre o seu lugar
e futuro, entendendo a Academia como território de produção de saber
aberto, com uma formação abrangente e englobante, de interação e
construção de visões globais de conhecimento, contra os perigos da
fragmentação ou coisificação. Esta assumida defesa das Humanidades
passará por vencer a velha dicotomia entre Humanidades, pouco va lorizadas da construção de um saber universitário, e as Ciências ditas
«científicas» ou «duras», de forma a que se possa contribuir para huma nizar e responsabilizar o conhecimento em nome de uma humanidade
plenamente humana.
The University project of which we are heirs, developed in the Middle Ages, is born based on the principle of universality, in the dialogue between disciplines and in the demand for knowledge in the light of an ideal of seeking the unity of knowledge, while guaranteeing its epistemological autonomy in the construction of a more holistic knowl edge about the complexity of the human being and the cosmos. The subjects encompassed today in the «Humani ties» played a central role in an education that was intended as much as possible to unify the stages of producing fragmentary disciplinary knowledge. With the increasing drift of specialization in the construction of knowledge and with the valorization of scientific-technical areas in the name of economic and social requirements, the traditional Humanities have been suffering of less importance in the university framework, running the risk, in some cases, of disappearing. It is, therefore, crucial to reflect on its place and future, understanding the Academy as a territory of production of open knowledge, with a comprehensive and encompassing formation, of interaction and construction of global views of knowledge, against the dangers of fragmentation or objectification. This assumed defense of the Humanities requires overcoming the old dichotomy between the Humanities, little valued in the construction of uni versity knowledge, and the so called «hard» Sciences, so that one can contribute to humanize and hold knowledge accountable in the name of a fully human humanity.
The University project of which we are heirs, developed in the Middle Ages, is born based on the principle of universality, in the dialogue between disciplines and in the demand for knowledge in the light of an ideal of seeking the unity of knowledge, while guaranteeing its epistemological autonomy in the construction of a more holistic knowl edge about the complexity of the human being and the cosmos. The subjects encompassed today in the «Humani ties» played a central role in an education that was intended as much as possible to unify the stages of producing fragmentary disciplinary knowledge. With the increasing drift of specialization in the construction of knowledge and with the valorization of scientific-technical areas in the name of economic and social requirements, the traditional Humanities have been suffering of less importance in the university framework, running the risk, in some cases, of disappearing. It is, therefore, crucial to reflect on its place and future, understanding the Academy as a territory of production of open knowledge, with a comprehensive and encompassing formation, of interaction and construction of global views of knowledge, against the dangers of fragmentation or objectification. This assumed defense of the Humanities requires overcoming the old dichotomy between the Humanities, little valued in the construction of uni versity knowledge, and the so called «hard» Sciences, so that one can contribute to humanize and hold knowledge accountable in the name of a fully human humanity.
Universidade Humanidades Epistemologia Saberes Humanidade University Humanities Epistemology Knowledge Humanity . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades
Franco, J. E., & Paolinelli, L. M. A. (2021). Humanidades e Universidade: que passado e que futuro?. Revista Lusófona de Educação, 52(52), 117-131.
Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Educação e Desenvolvimento (CeiED) do Instituto de Educação da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias