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A Construção Civil, à semelhança de outros setores produtivos, foi afetada pelo aparecimento do
coronavírus SARS-CoV-2, causador da doença COVID-19. A aparição deste vírus, considerado como
uma pandemia em março de 2020, forçou uma paragem obrigatória do setor, com repercussões na
segurança, na produção e na economia das empresas de Construção Civil. Esta pandemia criou uma
onda de incertezas quanto às respetivas consequências durante a sua passagem e, inclusive, depois
de ultrapassada.
A presente dissertação procura avaliar o impacto da doença COVID-19 numa empresa de Construção
Civil na Região Autónoma da Madeira, a Tecnovia Madeira, S.A. Este estudo, tanto quanto é do
conhecimento do autor, é o primeiro realizado neste setor produtivo na Região, abrindo uma nova janela
de investigação relativamente à segurança e higiene na Construção Civil em tempos de pandemia.
Com a ajuda da literatura existente, foi possível encontrar informação relevante e necessária, que
definiu e orientou o percurso do estudo.
Para tentar conhecer o impacto da doença, foi proposta a criação de um novo índice, denominado
Índice de Contágio COVID-19, que permitisse avaliar, em termos estatísticos, o alcance da COVID-19
na Construção Civil, tendo sido aplicado na empresa de estudo. O período de estudo foi de março de
2020 até junho de 2022. Com a informação extraída a partir do estudo, é proposta uma série de medidas
de contenção para ajudar à mitigação da doença COVID-19 na área da construção.
Os resultados mensais demonstram uma semelhança dos Índices de Contágio COVID-19 na empresa
de estudo, na RAM e em Portugal no seu todo, mas salienta-se o facto deste índice ser menor, em
termos percentuais, na empresa de estudo, comparativamente aos índices obtidos na RAM e em
Portugal. Também merece destaque o facto de os departamentos que desempenham as suas funções
no terreno terem apresentado índices de contágio inferiores aos restantes departamentos, podendo
estes resultados serem decorrentes do facto de a realização dos trabalhos no terreno ocorrer em
espaços abertos.
Relativamente à contenção da doença, aborda-se o “Plano de Contingência Coronavírus (COVID-19)”
da empresa, cuja redação contou com a participação do autor desta dissertação e onde é explicada a
sua composição, com base nas recomendações e normas seguidas. Salienta-se o facto de as medidas
adotadas não terem impedido a chegada do vírus aos postos de trabalho, mas reduzirem o seu impacto
nos mesmos. Finalmente, são propostas várias melhorias ao plano de contingência inicial,
relativamente às medidas a adotar, de acordo com os resultados anteriores e das últimas atualizações
do vírus.
Construction, like other productive sectors, was affected by the appearance of the coronavirus SARS CoV-2, which causes the disease COVID-19. The appearance of this virus, declared as a pandemic in March 2020, forced a mandatory shutdown of the sector, with repercussions on safety, production, and the economy of Construction companies. This pandemic created a wave of uncertainty as to the respective consequences during its passage and even after it had passed. This dissertation seeks to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 disease in a Construction company in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, Tecnovia Madeira, S.A. This study, as far as the author knows, is the first carried out in this productive sector in the Region, opening a new window of investigation regarding safety and hygiene in Construction in times of pandemic. With the help of the existing literature, it was possible to find relevant and necessary information, which defined and guided the path of the study. To try to know the impact of the disease, it was proposed the creation of a new index, called COVID-19 Contagion Index, which would allow to evaluate, in statistical terms, the reach of COVID-19 in Construction, having been applied in the study company. The study period was from March 2020 to June 2022. With the information extracted from the study, a series of containment measures is proposed to help mitigate the COVID-19 disease in the construction area. The monthly results show a similarity of the COVID-19 Contagion Indexes in the study company, in the Autonomous Region of Madeira and in Portugal as a whole, but also the fact that this index is lower, in percentage terms, in the study company, compared to the indexes obtained in RAM and Portugal. It is also worth mentioning that the departments performing their functions in the field had lower rates of contagion than the other departments, results may be due to the fact that the work on the ground occurs in open spaces. Regarding the containment of the disease, the company’s "Coronavirus Contingency Plan (COVID-19)" is addressed, whose writing was attended by the author of this dissertation and where its composition is explained, based on the existing recommendations and standards. It should be noted that the measures adopted did not prevent the virus from reaching jobs, but reduced its impact on them. Finally, several improvements to the measures to be adopted are proposed to the contingency plan, according to the latest updates of the virus.
Construction, like other productive sectors, was affected by the appearance of the coronavirus SARS CoV-2, which causes the disease COVID-19. The appearance of this virus, declared as a pandemic in March 2020, forced a mandatory shutdown of the sector, with repercussions on safety, production, and the economy of Construction companies. This pandemic created a wave of uncertainty as to the respective consequences during its passage and even after it had passed. This dissertation seeks to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 disease in a Construction company in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, Tecnovia Madeira, S.A. This study, as far as the author knows, is the first carried out in this productive sector in the Region, opening a new window of investigation regarding safety and hygiene in Construction in times of pandemic. With the help of the existing literature, it was possible to find relevant and necessary information, which defined and guided the path of the study. To try to know the impact of the disease, it was proposed the creation of a new index, called COVID-19 Contagion Index, which would allow to evaluate, in statistical terms, the reach of COVID-19 in Construction, having been applied in the study company. The study period was from March 2020 to June 2022. With the information extracted from the study, a series of containment measures is proposed to help mitigate the COVID-19 disease in the construction area. The monthly results show a similarity of the COVID-19 Contagion Indexes in the study company, in the Autonomous Region of Madeira and in Portugal as a whole, but also the fact that this index is lower, in percentage terms, in the study company, compared to the indexes obtained in RAM and Portugal. It is also worth mentioning that the departments performing their functions in the field had lower rates of contagion than the other departments, results may be due to the fact that the work on the ground occurs in open spaces. Regarding the containment of the disease, the company’s "Coronavirus Contingency Plan (COVID-19)" is addressed, whose writing was attended by the author of this dissertation and where its composition is explained, based on the existing recommendations and standards. It should be noted that the measures adopted did not prevent the virus from reaching jobs, but reduced its impact on them. Finally, several improvements to the measures to be adopted are proposed to the contingency plan, according to the latest updates of the virus.
Construção COVID-19 Higiene Impacto Índice Plano de contingência Madeira (Portugal) Construction Contingency plan Hygiene Impact Index Engenharia Civil . Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia