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O presente Relatório visa retratar todo o processo inerente ao Estágio Pedagógico do Mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário da Universidade da Madeira, realizado na Escola Secundária Francisco Franco no ano letivo 2018/2019.
Dado que a prática profissional docente está sujeita a um conjunto de planeamentos, gestão e operacionalização de atividades e processos específicos que envolvem a comunidade educativa, os resultados que deles advêm são fontes fundamentais de aprendizagens e experiências, que são determinantes para desenvolver no estagiário competências e capacidades, essenciais para exercer esta profissão. Dentro destas capacidades e competências, destacamos as seguintes: (i) Domínio, de forma aprofundada, de conhecimentos científicos e técnicos no âmbito do ensino de Educação Física; (ii) Conhecimento pormenorizado dos programas específicos da disciplina dos diferentes níveis de ensino, adaptando de forma rentável à realidade do contexto; (ii) Promoção e dinamização do debate e reflexão da Educação, em geral, e da Educação Física em particular; (iii) Desenvolvimento da autonomia, trabalho cooperativo, comunicação e espírito crítico, demonstrando sempre, competências profissionais de ética e moral.
Através deste documento, iremos descrever, analisar e refletir sobre as competências e capacidades supramencionadas, assim como, apresentar as experiências, as dificuldades e os desafios vivenciados em contexto real de docência, nomeadamente, no papel de professor estagiário de Educação Física. Destacamos, assim, os capítulos da Prática Letiva, das Ações Cientifico-Pedagógicas, das Ações de Intervenção na Comunidade Escolar e das Ações de Integração no Meio Escolar, como os que mais impacto tiveram, para a nossa formação docente.
This Report aims to portray the entire process inherent in the Pedagogical Internship of the master’s in physical education teaching in the Basic and Secondary School of the University of Madeira, held at the Francisco Franco Secondary School in the academic year 2018/2019. Given that teaching professional practice is subject to a set of planning, management and operationalization of specific activities and processes that involve the educational community, the results that result from them are fundamental sources of learning and experience, which are crucial to develop in the field. trainee skills and abilities, essential for practicing this profession. Within these capabilities and competences, we highlight the following: (i) In-depth mastery of scientific and technical knowledge in the field of Physical Education teaching; (ii) Detailed knowledge of the subject-specific programs of the different levels of education, cost-effectively adapting to the contextual reality; (ii) Promotion and promotion of the debate and reflection on Education in general and Physical Education in particular; (iii) Development of autonomy, cooperative work, communication and critical thinking, always demonstrating professional skills in ethics and morals. Through this document, we will describe, analyse and reflect on the abovementioned skills and abilities, as well as present the experiences, difficulties and challenges experienced in real teaching context, namely in the role of trainee teacher of Physical Education. Thus, we highlight the chapters of Teaching Practice, Scientific-Pedagogical Actions, Intervention Actions in the School Community and Integration Actions in the School Environment, as the ones that had the most impact, for our teacher education.
This Report aims to portray the entire process inherent in the Pedagogical Internship of the master’s in physical education teaching in the Basic and Secondary School of the University of Madeira, held at the Francisco Franco Secondary School in the academic year 2018/2019. Given that teaching professional practice is subject to a set of planning, management and operationalization of specific activities and processes that involve the educational community, the results that result from them are fundamental sources of learning and experience, which are crucial to develop in the field. trainee skills and abilities, essential for practicing this profession. Within these capabilities and competences, we highlight the following: (i) In-depth mastery of scientific and technical knowledge in the field of Physical Education teaching; (ii) Detailed knowledge of the subject-specific programs of the different levels of education, cost-effectively adapting to the contextual reality; (ii) Promotion and promotion of the debate and reflection on Education in general and Physical Education in particular; (iii) Development of autonomy, cooperative work, communication and critical thinking, always demonstrating professional skills in ethics and morals. Through this document, we will describe, analyse and reflect on the abovementioned skills and abilities, as well as present the experiences, difficulties and challenges experienced in real teaching context, namely in the role of trainee teacher of Physical Education. Thus, we highlight the chapters of Teaching Practice, Scientific-Pedagogical Actions, Intervention Actions in the School Community and Integration Actions in the School Environment, as the ones that had the most impact, for our teacher education.
Estágio Docência Educação física Processo de ensino-aprendizagem Alunos Internship Teaching Physical education Teaching-learning process Students Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais