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Este estudo se debruça sobre o trabalho pedagógico com memoriais autobiográficos no
âmbito do curso de Pedagogia do Departamento de Ciências Humanas/III, da Universidade do
Estado da Bahia, na cidade de Juazeiro-BA, buscando analisar os indícios de inovação
pedagógica emergentes neste trabalho, a partir, principalmente, de três aspectos: a experiência
pessoal de docentes e discentes com os memoriais autobiográficos; os vínculos dessa
experiência com a formação em Pedagogia e o desenvolvimento e aprimoramento da própria
prática da escrita acadêmica. Buscou-se compreender a natureza singular da inovação
pedagógica nessas práticas, bem como as narrativas autobiográficas em forma de memoriais
como dispositivos, pedagogicamente, inovadores no ensino, na pesquisa e na formação,
contando com a colaboração teórica de pesquisadores da Universidade da Madeira, em
Portugal, onde este estudo se situa institucionalmente, e de outros pesquisadores que oferecem
suas contribuições ao tema, a exemplo de Alvin Toffler, António Nóvoa, Boaventura de
Sousa Santos, Carlos Fino, Conceição Passeggi, Dermeval Saviani, Elizeu C. Souza, Edgard
Morin, Jorge Larrosa, José C. Libâneo, Marie-Cristhine Josso, Paulo Freire, Roberto S.
Macedo, Thomas Kuhn, Walter Benjamin, dentre outros. A abordagem metodológica
qualitativa inspirou-se na Etnopesquisa Crítica e Multirreferencial, ancorada na etnografia,
tendo como dispositivos de pesquisa a observação participante, grupos focais e entrevistas
abertas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pôde-se afirmar que a produção de memorial
autobiográfico, enquanto prática pedagógica no âmbito da formação superior, revelou-se
inovadora, complexa e multirreferencial no processo de sua construção, na articulação dos
saberes necessários à docência e na condição de aprimoramento da escrita acadêmica.
This study focuses on the pedagogical work with autobiographical memorials within the Pedagogy course of the Department of Human Sciences/III, University of Bahia State, located in Juazeiro-BA, and seeks to analyze the evidence of pedagogical innovation emerging in this work, mainly from three aspects: the personal experience of teachers and students with autobiographical memorials; the links of this experience with the education in pedagogy ; and the development and improvement of the practice of academic writing itself. It sought to understand the unique nature of pedagogical innovation in these practices, as well as the autobiographical narratives in the form of memorials as pedagogically innovating devices in teaching, research and training, with the theoretical collaboration of researchers from the University of Madeira, in Portugal, where this study is institutional, and other researchers who offer their contributions to the theme, such as Alvin Toffler, António Nóvoa, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Carlos Fino, Conceição Passeggi, Dermeval Saviani, Elizeu C. Souza, Edgard Morin, Jorge Larrosa Bondía, José C. Libâneo, Marie-Cristhine Josso, Paulo Freire, Roberto S. Macedo, Thomas Kuhn, Walter Benjamin, among others. The qualitative methodological approach was inspired by the Critical and Multi-sited Ethnography search, having as research devices the participant observation, focus groups and open interviews. According to the results obtained, one can state that the production of autobiographical memorial as a pedagogical practice in the higher education has proved to be innovative, complex and multi referential in the process of its construction, in the articulation of the knowledge necessary for teaching and as condition to the improvement of academic writing.
This study focuses on the pedagogical work with autobiographical memorials within the Pedagogy course of the Department of Human Sciences/III, University of Bahia State, located in Juazeiro-BA, and seeks to analyze the evidence of pedagogical innovation emerging in this work, mainly from three aspects: the personal experience of teachers and students with autobiographical memorials; the links of this experience with the education in pedagogy ; and the development and improvement of the practice of academic writing itself. It sought to understand the unique nature of pedagogical innovation in these practices, as well as the autobiographical narratives in the form of memorials as pedagogically innovating devices in teaching, research and training, with the theoretical collaboration of researchers from the University of Madeira, in Portugal, where this study is institutional, and other researchers who offer their contributions to the theme, such as Alvin Toffler, António Nóvoa, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Carlos Fino, Conceição Passeggi, Dermeval Saviani, Elizeu C. Souza, Edgard Morin, Jorge Larrosa Bondía, José C. Libâneo, Marie-Cristhine Josso, Paulo Freire, Roberto S. Macedo, Thomas Kuhn, Walter Benjamin, among others. The qualitative methodological approach was inspired by the Critical and Multi-sited Ethnography search, having as research devices the participant observation, focus groups and open interviews. According to the results obtained, one can state that the production of autobiographical memorial as a pedagogical practice in the higher education has proved to be innovative, complex and multi referential in the process of its construction, in the articulation of the knowledge necessary for teaching and as condition to the improvement of academic writing.
Pesquisa e prática pedagógica Prática pedagógica Inovação pedagógica Memorial autobiográfico Pedagogical research and practice Pedagogical practice Pedagogical innovation Autobiographical memorial Ciências da Educação - Inovação Pedagógica . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais