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Neste trabalho analisamos a relaĆ§Ć£o entre a personalidade e o modo como os adolescentes se autoavaliam globalmente como estudantes.
Participaram 351 adolescentes dos 14 aos 18 anos, distribuĆdos por vĆ”rios nĆveis de escolaridade. Para avaliar a personalidade,
utilizĆ”mos o SumĆ”rio Estrutural da versĆ£o portuguesa do Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory ā Adolescent, e um questionĆ”rio
de autoavaliaĆ§Ć£o como estudante, com quatro categorias de resposta possĆveis, entre Abaixo da MĆ©dia e Muito Bom. Num modelo de
regressĆ£o multinomial identificĆ”mos a personalidade como preditor da autoavaliaĆ§Ć£o que os adolescentes fazem de si como estudantes,
destacando-se os resultados nas dimensƵes Imaturidade e Desajustamento Global, o que enfatiza a importĆ¢ncia da autorregulaĆ§Ć£o
e controlo dos impulsos, bem como da emocionalidade positiva, no modo como os adolescentes se autoavaliam. Os resultados sĆ£o
discutidos considerando o papel da organizaĆ§Ć£o da personalidade, nĆ£o sĆ³ nos padrƵes de comportamento observĆ”vel, como tambĆ©m
nas autoavaliaƧƵes e perceƧƵes subjetivas dos indivĆduos.
Personality and overall self-assessment as student: some indicators through a multimonial model In this paper, we analyze the relationship between personality and the way adolescents globally assess themselves as students. Participants were 351 adolescents, aged from 14 to 18 years old, and at various levels of schooling. For personality assessment, we used the Structural Summary of the Portuguese version of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory ā Adolescent, and a questionnaire for studentsā self-assessment, with four possible response categories, from Below Average to Very Good. Through a multinomial regression model we identified personality as a predictor of adolescentsā self-assessment as students, being noteworthy Immaturity and Global Maladjustment dimensions, which emphasizes the importance of self-regulation and impulse control characteristics, as well as of positive emotionality, for adolescents' self-assessment as students. Results are discussed considering the role of personality organization, not only for the patterns of observable behavior, but also in self-assessments and subjective perceptions of individuals.
Personality and overall self-assessment as student: some indicators through a multimonial model In this paper, we analyze the relationship between personality and the way adolescents globally assess themselves as students. Participants were 351 adolescents, aged from 14 to 18 years old, and at various levels of schooling. For personality assessment, we used the Structural Summary of the Portuguese version of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory ā Adolescent, and a questionnaire for studentsā self-assessment, with four possible response categories, from Below Average to Very Good. Through a multinomial regression model we identified personality as a predictor of adolescentsā self-assessment as students, being noteworthy Immaturity and Global Maladjustment dimensions, which emphasizes the importance of self-regulation and impulse control characteristics, as well as of positive emotionality, for adolescents' self-assessment as students. Results are discussed considering the role of personality organization, not only for the patterns of observable behavior, but also in self-assessments and subjective perceptions of individuals.
Personalidade AutoavaliaĆ§Ć£o como estudante Ajustamento escolar Adolescentes Teste MMPI-A Personality Studentsā self-assessment School adjustment Adolescents . Escola Superior de Tecnologias e GestĆ£o
Carvalho, Renato G. , & Novo, Rosa F. (2014). Personalidade e autoavaliaĆ§Ć£o global como estudante: alguns indicadores com um modelo multimonial. AvaliaĆ§Ć£o PsicolĆ³gica, 13(1),87-93.[fecha de Consulta 28 de Septiembre de 2022]. ISSN: 1677-0471. Disponible en:
Instituto Brasileiro de AvaliaĆ§Ć£o PsicolĆ³gica