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A literatura moçambicana tem vindo a desempenhar ao longo dos tempos um importante papel de valorização, consciencialização e (re) construção nacional de um país outrora colónia que busca afirmar a sua identidade, tanto no período colonial, como no pós-revolução. Com o intuito de transmitir a revolta sentida em relação às estruturas estabelecidas pelo regime colonial, questionar as configurações de poder e dominação a escrita de Lília Momplé surge como mecanismo de reflexão sobre o “não dito” da história oficial, fazendo-nos escutar um grito de revolta contra a opressão.
A obra literária de Momplé desempenha um papel fulcral no desvendar do estatuto da mulher na sociedade moçambicana. Através da panóplia de personagens femininas nas três obras Ninguém Matou Suhura (contos,1988), Neighbours (romance, 1996) e Os Olhos da Cobra Verde (contos, 1997) é nos permitido explorar o papel tradicional do ser feminino e as dificuldades que as mulheres enfrentam perante as expetativas da sociedade.
É no sentido de refletir sobre estes aspetos que esta dissertação se direciona. Partindo do simbolismo e evolução da mulher ao longo dos tempos, do uso da palavra como denúncia, passando pela relação entre o real e o imaginário, procede-se à análise das várias visões da mulher como ser identitário sofredor e emancipado, de forma a estabelecer a sua evolução e transformação desde os tempos coloniais até aos dias de hoje.
Mozambican literature has been playing an important role in valorizing, raising awareness and (re) building a country that was once a colony seeking to assert its identity in the colonial period and in the post-revolution. In order to transmit the felt revolt against the structures established by the colonial regime, to question the configurations of power and domination, Lília Momplé’s writing emerges as a mechanism for reflection on the “unsaid” in the official history, making us listen to a scream of revolt against oppression. Momplé´s literary work plays a core role in unraveling the status of women in Mozambican society. Through the panoply of female characters in the three books Ninguém Matou Suhura (short stories,1988), Neighbours (novel, 1996) e Os Olhos da Cobra Verde (short stories, 1997) we are allowed to explore the traditional role of the female being and the difficulties that women face and the expectation that goes with it. It is in the sense of these aspects that this dissertation is directed, starting from the symbolism and evolution of the woman through the ages, the use of the word as denunciation, passing through the relation between the real and the imaginary, we will proceed to the analysis of the various visions of the woman as a suffering and emancipator identity, in order to establish its evolution and transformation from colonial times to the present day.
Mozambican literature has been playing an important role in valorizing, raising awareness and (re) building a country that was once a colony seeking to assert its identity in the colonial period and in the post-revolution. In order to transmit the felt revolt against the structures established by the colonial regime, to question the configurations of power and domination, Lília Momplé’s writing emerges as a mechanism for reflection on the “unsaid” in the official history, making us listen to a scream of revolt against oppression. Momplé´s literary work plays a core role in unraveling the status of women in Mozambican society. Through the panoply of female characters in the three books Ninguém Matou Suhura (short stories,1988), Neighbours (novel, 1996) e Os Olhos da Cobra Verde (short stories, 1997) we are allowed to explore the traditional role of the female being and the difficulties that women face and the expectation that goes with it. It is in the sense of these aspects that this dissertation is directed, starting from the symbolism and evolution of the woman through the ages, the use of the word as denunciation, passing through the relation between the real and the imaginary, we will proceed to the analysis of the various visions of the woman as a suffering and emancipator identity, in order to establish its evolution and transformation from colonial times to the present day.
Lília Momplé Personagens femininas Catarse Crítica social Ficção pós-colonial Ninguém Matou Suhura Neighbours Os olhos da cobra verde Female characters Catharsis Social criticism Memory Post-colonial fiction Literatura moçambicana Estudos Linguísticos e Culturais . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades