O bem-estar, o otimismo e o humor no contexto educativo são fenómenos que, além
de contribuírem para a criação de um ambiente de aprendizagem positivo e acolhedor,
influenciam significativamente o desempenho académico, o envolvimento dos alunos,
a construção de relacionamentos interpessoais saudáveis e o desenvolvimento geral da
comunidade educativa. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar as variáveis
humor, otimismo e bem-estar no contexto educativo. A amostra desta investigação é
constituída por 323 indivíduos, docentes e não docentes nas escolas de Portugal
Continental e Ilhas, com uma idade média global de 46 anos. Em relação aos
instrumentos utilizados estes foram, um Questionário Sociodemográfico e Profissional,
a Escala do Bem-estar Experiencial de Pocinho e Garcês (2019) e Escala de Otimismo
de Barros de Oliveira (1998). Relativamente, aos resultados deste estudo, verifica-se,
que existem, efetivamente, diferenças significativas na relação do humor positivo com
o bem-estar fator 2 e diferenças significativas na relação do humor positivo com o
otimismo. Conclui-se que o humor, o bem-estar e o otimismo são variáveis positivas
relevantes para o contexto educativo.
Well-being, optimism, and humor in the educational context are phenomena that, besides contributing to the creation of a positive and welcoming learning environment, significantly influence academic performance, student engagement, the building of healthy interpersonal relationships, and the overall development of the educational community. In this sense, the objective of this study is to analyze the variables of humor, optimism, and well-being in the educational context. The sample of this research consists of 323 individuals, both teachers and non-teaching staff, in schools from mainland Portugal and islands, with an overall average age of 46 years. Regarding the instruments used, they were a Sociodemographic and Professional Questionnaire, the Experiential Well-Being Scale by Pocinho and Garcês (2019), and the Optimism Scale by Barros de Oliveira (1998). Concerning the results of this study, it is observed that there are indeed significant differences in the relationship of positive humor with Experiential Well-Being (2nd fator) and significant differences in the relationship of positive humor with optimism. It is concluded that humor, well-being, and optimism are relevant positive variables for the educational context.
Well-being, optimism, and humor in the educational context are phenomena that, besides contributing to the creation of a positive and welcoming learning environment, significantly influence academic performance, student engagement, the building of healthy interpersonal relationships, and the overall development of the educational community. In this sense, the objective of this study is to analyze the variables of humor, optimism, and well-being in the educational context. The sample of this research consists of 323 individuals, both teachers and non-teaching staff, in schools from mainland Portugal and islands, with an overall average age of 46 years. Regarding the instruments used, they were a Sociodemographic and Professional Questionnaire, the Experiential Well-Being Scale by Pocinho and Garcês (2019), and the Optimism Scale by Barros de Oliveira (1998). Concerning the results of this study, it is observed that there are indeed significant differences in the relationship of positive humor with Experiential Well-Being (2nd fator) and significant differences in the relationship of positive humor with optimism. It is concluded that humor, well-being, and optimism are relevant positive variables for the educational context.
Humor Bem-estar Otimismo Contexto educativo Humor Well-being Optimism Educational context Psicologia da Educação . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades