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Publicado em Hamburgo em 1603, o tratado De uniuersa mulierum medicina
(A medicina completa das mulheres) de Rodrigo de Castro Lusitano, médico português de
origem sefardita, que se instalou em Hamburgo nos últimos anos do século xvi, é uma
obra sobre ginecologia e obstetrícia em dois volumes, que alcançou notoriedade assina lável na Europa do século xvii. Nesta pesquisa, exploramos a argumentação apresentada
por Castro nos prefácios que acompanharam todas as edições do tratado e como neles
Castro se esforça por mostrar a relevância da sua obra. A comparação com os prefácios dos
Gynaeciorum libri, um compêndio que reuniu tratados antigos, medievais e renascentistas
sobre a mesma matéria, permitir-nos-á uma melhor compreensão da evolução dos textos
médicos relacionados com a natureza feminina e com as doenças das mulheres.
Published in Hamburg in 1603, the treatise De uniuersa mulierum medicina (“The complete medicine of women”) by Rodrigo de Castro Lusitano, a Portuguese doctor of Sephardic origin who settled in Hamburg in the last years of the 16th century, is a work on gynaecology and obstetrics in two volumes, which achieved remarkable notoriety in 17th century Europe. In this research, we aim to explore the arguments presented by Cas tro in the prefaces that accompanied all editions of the treatise and to investigate how Castro strives to show the relevance of his work. The comparison with the prefaces of the Gynaeciorum libri, a compendium that brought together ancient, medieval and Renaissan ce treatises on the same subject, will allow us to better understand the evolution of medical texts related to female nature and to the diseases of women.
Published in Hamburg in 1603, the treatise De uniuersa mulierum medicina (“The complete medicine of women”) by Rodrigo de Castro Lusitano, a Portuguese doctor of Sephardic origin who settled in Hamburg in the last years of the 16th century, is a work on gynaecology and obstetrics in two volumes, which achieved remarkable notoriety in 17th century Europe. In this research, we aim to explore the arguments presented by Cas tro in the prefaces that accompanied all editions of the treatise and to investigate how Castro strives to show the relevance of his work. The comparison with the prefaces of the Gynaeciorum libri, a compendium that brought together ancient, medieval and Renaissan ce treatises on the same subject, will allow us to better understand the evolution of medical texts related to female nature and to the diseases of women.
Rodrigo de Castro Lusitano História da ginecologia Textos neolatinos de ginecologia Gynaeciorum libri History of gynaecology Neo-latin texts on gynaecology . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades
UA Editora - Universidade de Aveiro