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A minha frequência do mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo
do Ensino Básico permitiu-me adquirir um conjunto de competências, conhecimentos e
estratégias imprescindíveis para operacionalização, ao longo da minha intervenção, nas
diferentes Práticas Pedagógicas (PP): I, II e III. Desta forma, o presente relatório tem
como principal finalidade refletir sobre o modo como as mesmas foram desenvolvidas,
ambicionando a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º
Ciclo do Ensino Básico.
No que concerne às práticas pedagógicas propriamente ditas, estas distinguem-se
em duas valências. A primeira (PP I) decorreu entre os meses de novembro de 2020 e
janeiro de 2021, no âmbito da Educação Pré-Escolar (EPE), nomeadamente, na sala
“Amarela” do Infantário “O Barquinho”. Em contrapartida, as práticas pedagógicas
seguintes (II e III) foram desenvolvidas no âmbito do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB),
mais concretamente, com a turmas de 2.º e 3.º anos da Escola Básica do 1.º ciclo com
Pré-Escolar e Creche do Caniçal. No caso da PP II, esta foi desenvolvida entre os meses
de abril e junho de 2021 ao passo que, a PP III foi desenvolvida entre os meses de
outubro e dezembro do mesmo ano.
O presente documento encontra-se dividido em três partes que fundamentam,
teoricamente, as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas: enquadramento teórico (Parte I),
enquadramento metodológico (Parte II) e, por fim, intervenção pedagógica (Parte III). A
primeira parte baseia-se no papel do educador/professor do 1.º CEB enquanto líder e
gestor escolar, bem como dentro da sua sala, assegurando que a voz da criança/aluno
seja sempre valorizada. Ainda nesta parte, justifico as opções metodológicas colocadas
em prática ao longo da minha intervenção e que se encontram, de certa forma,
incorporadas nas questões-problema definidas para o projeto de investigação-ação. No
que concerne à segunda parte, esta revela o valor e a influência que a metodologia de
investigação-ação tem sobre o educador e o professor do 1.º CEB e que, no caso,
fundamentam toda a minha praxis. Por último, a terceira parte remete-se aos contextos
educativos e à minha intervenção enquanto educadora e professora estagiária, onde
evidencio algumas estratégias e atividades desenvolvidas com as crianças e alunos, sem
esquecer a componente reflexiva das diferentes situações. Por fim, nas considerações finais, evidencio algumas conclusões essenciais que
fui retendo ao longo de todo o meu percurso e formação académicos.
My attendance of the master's degree in Pre-School Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education allowed me to acquire a set of essential skills, knowledge and strategies for operationalizing, throughout my intervention, the different Pedagogical Practices (PP): I, II and III. In this way, the main purpose of this report is to reflect on the way in which they were developed, aiming to obtain a master's degree in Pre-School Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. With regard to the pedagogical practices themselves, these are distinguished in two ways. The first (PP I) took place between November 2020 and January 2021, within the scope of Pre-School Education (EPE), namely, in the “Amarela” room of the Kindergarten “O Barquinho”. On the other hand, the following pedagogical practices (II and III) were developed within the scope of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education (CEB), more specifically, with the 2nd and 3rd year classes of the Basic School of the 1st cycle with Pre-School and Creche do Caniçal. In the case of PP II, it was developed between April and June 2021, while PP III was developed between October and December of the same year. This document is divided into three parts that theoretically support the pedagogical practices developed: theoretical framework (Part I), methodological framework (Part II) and, finally, pedagogical intervention (Part III). The first part is based on the role of the 1st CEB educator/teacher as a leader and school manager, as well as within their classroom, ensuring that the voice of the child/student is always valued. Also in this part, I justify the methodological options put into practice throughout my intervention and which are, in a way, incorporated in the problem questions defined for the action-research project. With regard to the second part, it reveals the value and influence that the action-research methodology has on the educator and teacher of the 1st CEB and which, in this case, underlie all my praxis. Finally, the third part refers to educational contexts and my intervention as an educator and trainee teacher, where I highlight some strategies and activities developed with children and students, without forgetting the reflective component of different situations. Finally, in the final considerations, I highlight some essential conclusions that I have retained throughout my academic journey and training.
My attendance of the master's degree in Pre-School Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education allowed me to acquire a set of essential skills, knowledge and strategies for operationalizing, throughout my intervention, the different Pedagogical Practices (PP): I, II and III. In this way, the main purpose of this report is to reflect on the way in which they were developed, aiming to obtain a master's degree in Pre-School Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. With regard to the pedagogical practices themselves, these are distinguished in two ways. The first (PP I) took place between November 2020 and January 2021, within the scope of Pre-School Education (EPE), namely, in the “Amarela” room of the Kindergarten “O Barquinho”. On the other hand, the following pedagogical practices (II and III) were developed within the scope of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education (CEB), more specifically, with the 2nd and 3rd year classes of the Basic School of the 1st cycle with Pre-School and Creche do Caniçal. In the case of PP II, it was developed between April and June 2021, while PP III was developed between October and December of the same year. This document is divided into three parts that theoretically support the pedagogical practices developed: theoretical framework (Part I), methodological framework (Part II) and, finally, pedagogical intervention (Part III). The first part is based on the role of the 1st CEB educator/teacher as a leader and school manager, as well as within their classroom, ensuring that the voice of the child/student is always valued. Also in this part, I justify the methodological options put into practice throughout my intervention and which are, in a way, incorporated in the problem questions defined for the action-research project. With regard to the second part, it reveals the value and influence that the action-research methodology has on the educator and teacher of the 1st CEB and which, in this case, underlie all my praxis. Finally, the third part refers to educational contexts and my intervention as an educator and trainee teacher, where I highlight some strategies and activities developed with children and students, without forgetting the reflective component of different situations. Finally, in the final considerations, I highlight some essential conclusions that I have retained throughout my academic journey and training.
Conhecimento Estratégias Prática pedagógica Investigação-ação Educação Pré-Escolar 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico Crianças Alunos Reflexão Knowledge Strategies Pedagogical practice Research-action methodology Preschool education. 1st Cycle of Basic Education Children Students Reflection Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais