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O presente trabalho teve como objectivo perceber como a percepção que os alunos têm do seu
professor, estão relacionados com o seu auto-conceito, assim como, com o seu rendimento acadé mico.
Participaram na investigação 67 sujeitos, 50,7% de eram do sexo feminino e 49,3% do sexo
masculino, com idades compreendidas entre os 9 e os 16 anos (Média 10,48 anos e Desvio Padrão
1,1). Recorreu-se à composição escrita para avaliar a percepção que os alunos têm dos seus pro fessores, à escala de auto-conceito para Crianças e Adolescentes -Self-Perception Profile for
Children, desenvolvida por Susan Harter (1985), para avaliar o auto-conceiro e às avaliações de final
de ano feitas pelas professoras para medir o rendimento académico.
Da análise factorial de componentes principais usada resultaram oito agrupamentos, dos quais
quatro mostram: (1) a relação entre o auto-conceito, competência escolar, e as avaliações nas áreas
das formações complementares; (2) os elementos relativos à identidade dos professores; (3) a valo rização das características físicas dos professores e o auto-conceito: aceitação social; (4) As mani festações de afecto para com os professores e a sua competência de ensino. Outras análises esta tísticas reforçam estes resultados.
The aim of this study was to understand how pupils’ perception of their teachers relates to their self-concept, as well as to their academic achievement. 67 individuals participated in the study, 50.7% female and 49.3% male, aged between 9 and 16 years old (Average age 10.48 years and Standard deviation 1.1). Written compositions were used to measure pupils’ perception of their teachers, the self-concept questionnaire for Children and Adolescents - Self-Perception Profile for Children, developed by Susan Harter (1985), to measure self-concept and the assessments made by teachers at the end of the school year to measure aca demic achievement. Factor analysis of the main components used produced eight groupings, of which four reveal: (1) the relationship between self-concept, school skills, and assessments within supplementary cur ricular subjects; (2) data relating to the identity of teachers; (3) valuation of teachers’ physical traits and self-concept: social acceptance; (4) manifestation of affection towards teachers and their com petence in teaching. Other statistical analyses reinforce these results.
The aim of this study was to understand how pupils’ perception of their teachers relates to their self-concept, as well as to their academic achievement. 67 individuals participated in the study, 50.7% female and 49.3% male, aged between 9 and 16 years old (Average age 10.48 years and Standard deviation 1.1). Written compositions were used to measure pupils’ perception of their teachers, the self-concept questionnaire for Children and Adolescents - Self-Perception Profile for Children, developed by Susan Harter (1985), to measure self-concept and the assessments made by teachers at the end of the school year to measure aca demic achievement. Factor analysis of the main components used produced eight groupings, of which four reveal: (1) the relationship between self-concept, school skills, and assessments within supplementary cur ricular subjects; (2) data relating to the identity of teachers; (3) valuation of teachers’ physical traits and self-concept: social acceptance; (4) manifestation of affection towards teachers and their com petence in teaching. Other statistical analyses reinforce these results.
Percepção dos alunos dos seus professores Interacção professor alunos Auto-conceito Rendimento escolar Alunos do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico Comportamento afectivo na sala de aula Pupils’ perceptions of their teachers Teacher-pupil interaction Self-concept Academic achievement 1st grade pupils Emotional behaviour in the classroom . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades
Franco, G. (2010). Percepção que os alunos têm dos seus professores, auto-conceito e os resultados escolares. International Journal of Development and Educational Psychology, nº 3 (1), 37-46.