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As regiões insulares enfrentam desafios ambientais crescentes, em parte decorrentes das alterações climáticas
em curso. Os impactos das mesmas afiguram-se potencialmente disruptivos ao nível da atividade turística, principal setor
económico na generalidade das regiões insulares. Este artigo analisa as atitudes dos turistas relativamente a um conjunto
de temas na interseção da temática dos desastres naturais e das alterações climáticas. Embora a Região Autónoma da
Madeira (RAM) continue a oferecer índices de satisfação elevados em termos da experiência turística, e tenha recuperado
das perdas associadas aos eventos do 20 de fevereiro de 2010, o relevar da gestão atempada de crises não pode ser
mais adiado ou menorizado. Os resultados do estudo resultam da análise de um questionário distribuído a uma amostra
de cerca de 300 turistas. Embora se constate uma apreciação geral positiva do destino e elevadas taxas declaradas de
intenção de retorno ao destino, a importância e dependência do fator “clima ameno” na experiência são bem patentes
na seleção do destino. É também patente o reflexo das condições climatéricas mais desfavoráveis na apreciação global da
estadia, o que adiciona um elemento probabilístico à gestão do dia a dia por parte dos turistas. Os resultados do estudo
sugerem que os operadores devem reforçar os pontos fortes do destino e acomodar as expetativas dos turistas através da
gestão das estadias condicionadas por episódios de tempo menos favorável.
Islands face growing environmental hazards, partly due to climate change. Their impact is potentially disrup tive to tourist activity, which is the main economic sector to most islands. This article examines the attitudes of tourists on a number of topics at the intersection of the themes of natural disasters and climate change. Although the Autonomous Region of Madeira continues to provide high levels of satisfaction in the global touristic experience and has recovered from the losses associated with the events occurred on the 20th of February in 2010, the importance of timely crisis management cannot continue to be postponed or underrated. The results presented were obtained from the analysis of questionnaires distributed to a sample of almost 300 tourists. Although the results show a generally positive evaluation of the destination and high rates of intention to return, the importance and dependence of the “mild climate” factor in the overall experience is quite clear in selecting a destination. It is also evident the effect of unfavorable weather conditions on the overall evaluation of the visit, which adds a probabilistic element to the day-to-day management of the tourist. The results of the study suggest tourist operators should reinforce the highlights of the destination and accommodate tourist expectations through thoughtful management of the visitation periods marked by episodes of less favorable weather.
Islands face growing environmental hazards, partly due to climate change. Their impact is potentially disrup tive to tourist activity, which is the main economic sector to most islands. This article examines the attitudes of tourists on a number of topics at the intersection of the themes of natural disasters and climate change. Although the Autonomous Region of Madeira continues to provide high levels of satisfaction in the global touristic experience and has recovered from the losses associated with the events occurred on the 20th of February in 2010, the importance of timely crisis management cannot continue to be postponed or underrated. The results presented were obtained from the analysis of questionnaires distributed to a sample of almost 300 tourists. Although the results show a generally positive evaluation of the destination and high rates of intention to return, the importance and dependence of the “mild climate” factor in the overall experience is quite clear in selecting a destination. It is also evident the effect of unfavorable weather conditions on the overall evaluation of the visit, which adds a probabilistic element to the day-to-day management of the tourist. The results of the study suggest tourist operators should reinforce the highlights of the destination and accommodate tourist expectations through thoughtful management of the visitation periods marked by episodes of less favorable weather.
Alterações climáticas Atitudes Motivações Desastres naturais Madeira (Portugal) Climate change Visitor’s attitudes Motivations Natural disasters . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais
Pão, P., & Almeida, A. (2014). Atitudes face às alterações climáticas e eventos extremos: o caso da Região Autónoma da Madeira. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 2(21/22), 81-93.
Universidade de Aveiro