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A multimodal tablet-based interface for designing and reviewing 3D engineering models

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The usage of multimodal user interfaces has revolutionized many different activities. However, most of the interactive technologies deployed in real world engineering contexts are still difficult to use, especially when engineering teams need to collaboratively visualize and review large-scale 3D CAD (Computer-Aided Design) models. This is the case of the oil platform industry, which necessarily involves the review and manipulation of large CAD models. In this paper we present a novel solution, based on multitouch and accelerometer input, which was designed and evaluated in close cooperation with researchers and engineers of a large oil industry company. We evaluated two different conditions: using multitouch-only input and using multitouch coupled with accelerometer-based input. Statistical analysis of quantitative data suggests that the second condition is faster and less error-prone than simply using multitouch-only input. Additionally, qualitative data showed that users perceive the multitouch-only interface as being more accurate, but more difficult to understand and use.



Multimodal interfaces CAD Motion-based input Multitouch user interfaces . Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia


Campos, P., & Noronha, H. (2014, May). A multimodal tablet-based interface for designing and reviewing 3D engineering models. In Proceedings of the 2014 international working conference on advanced visual interfaces (pp. 233-236).

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