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A herança pedagógica do século passado tem contribuído para debates e estudos
sobre modelos pedagógicos defensores de uma linha socioconstrutivista e com gramáticas
pedagógicas que visam a transformação da práxis na Educação de Infância.
Contudo, (re)construir cenários inovadores na Educação de Infância não deixa de
ser um permanente desafio ao educador e à política educativa. Nesta senda, ousou-se
conhecer e perceber um aparente novo modelo pedagógico relativamente à sua
coadjuvação na transformação sistémica de práticas pedagógicas, e as suas projeções nas
aprendizagens das crianças, centrando a análise em temas-chave como: a flexibilidade
curricular e pedagógica; as Inteligências Múltiplas; a criatividade; a formação em
contexto do Educador de Infância; e a assunção da criança como agência.
Este estudo situa-se no campo das Ciências da Educação, na área do Currículo e
Inovação Pedagógica, com especial enfoque na Educação de Infância. Como metodologia
optou-se por uma investigação qualitativa, utilizando o método de estudo de caso,
aplicado no Centro de Estudos da Criança - Bicho da Seda, um estabelecimento de
educação privado na Região Autónoma da Madeira.
O trabalho de campo teve a duração de um ano e possibilitou o mapeamento da
pesquisa recorrendo a diversas técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados, como a
observação participante periférica, as entrevistas, o inquérito por questionário e o diário
de campo. A análise e discussão dos dados foram suportadas pela técnica da análise de
conteúdo e pela triangulação de dados e fontes.
Concluiu-se que as Inteligências Múltiplas desveladas nos espaços pedagógicos
têm um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento integral da criança ao apelar para as
capacidades a desenvolver, bem como para e as que estão a emergir. Verificou-se a tónica
construtivista que pressupõe o caráter ativo da aprendizagem resultante de uma
construção pessoal, cuja criança que aprende, não é a única a intervir, pois aprende em
interação com os outros.
Recomenda-se o saber escutar ativamente as vozes das crianças, respeitá-las como
seres individuais com as suas especificidades e com ritmos e estilos de aprendizagem
muito próprios, a aplicabilidade de metodologias ativas que possibilitem outras formas
de aprender e de ensinar, a formação contínua e a formação em contexto do Educador de
Infância, como oportunidades profícuas para a construção e desenvolvimento da sua
profissionalidade docente.
The pedagogical heritage of the last century has contributed to debates and studies on pedagogical models that advocate a socio-constructivist line and pedagogical grammars aimed at the transformation of the praxis in Childhood Education. However, (re)building innovative scenarios in Childhood Education is still a permanent challenge to educators and educational policy. In this vein, a daring approach was undertaken to understand and sense an apparent new pedagogical model regarding its assistance in the systemic transformation of pedagogical practices, and its projections in children's learning, the analysis focusing on key themes such as: curricular and pedagogical flexibility; Multiple Intelligences; creativity; training in the context of the Childhood Educator; and the assumption of the child as an agency. This study lies in the field of Education Sciences, in the area of Curriculum and Pedagogical Innovation, with a special focus on Childhood Education. As a methodology, we opted for a qualitative investigation, using the case study method, applied at the Centre for Children’s Studies – Bicho da Seda, a private education establishment in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. The fieldwork was carried out over a one-year period and allowed the mapping of the research using various techniques and instruments for data collection, such as peripheral participant observation, interviews, a questionnaire survey, and a field journal. Data analysis and discussion were supported by content analysis technique and the triangulation of data and sources. It was concluded that multiple intelligences unveiled in pedagogical spaces play a fundamental role in the integral development of the child, by appealing to the capacities to be developed, as well as to those that are emerging. The constructivist emphasis was present, which presupposes the active character of learning resulting from a personal construction in which the child who learns is not the only one to intervene, because he learns in interaction with others. The recommendations are: know how to actively listen to the voices of children, to respect them as individual beings with their specificities and with their own learning paces and styles; understand the applicability of active methodologies that enable other ways of learning and teaching; and, employ continuous training and training in the context of Childhood Educator, as fruitful opportunities for the construction and development of their teaching professionality.
The pedagogical heritage of the last century has contributed to debates and studies on pedagogical models that advocate a socio-constructivist line and pedagogical grammars aimed at the transformation of the praxis in Childhood Education. However, (re)building innovative scenarios in Childhood Education is still a permanent challenge to educators and educational policy. In this vein, a daring approach was undertaken to understand and sense an apparent new pedagogical model regarding its assistance in the systemic transformation of pedagogical practices, and its projections in children's learning, the analysis focusing on key themes such as: curricular and pedagogical flexibility; Multiple Intelligences; creativity; training in the context of the Childhood Educator; and the assumption of the child as an agency. This study lies in the field of Education Sciences, in the area of Curriculum and Pedagogical Innovation, with a special focus on Childhood Education. As a methodology, we opted for a qualitative investigation, using the case study method, applied at the Centre for Children’s Studies – Bicho da Seda, a private education establishment in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. The fieldwork was carried out over a one-year period and allowed the mapping of the research using various techniques and instruments for data collection, such as peripheral participant observation, interviews, a questionnaire survey, and a field journal. Data analysis and discussion were supported by content analysis technique and the triangulation of data and sources. It was concluded that multiple intelligences unveiled in pedagogical spaces play a fundamental role in the integral development of the child, by appealing to the capacities to be developed, as well as to those that are emerging. The constructivist emphasis was present, which presupposes the active character of learning resulting from a personal construction in which the child who learns is not the only one to intervene, because he learns in interaction with others. The recommendations are: know how to actively listen to the voices of children, to respect them as individual beings with their specificities and with their own learning paces and styles; understand the applicability of active methodologies that enable other ways of learning and teaching; and, employ continuous training and training in the context of Childhood Educator, as fruitful opportunities for the construction and development of their teaching professionality.
Educação de infância Flexibilidade curricular Aprendizagens Modelo pedagógico Diferenciação pedagógica Inteligências múltiplas Pesquisa qualitativa Childhood education Curricular flexibility Learning Pedagogical model Pedagogical differentiation Multiple intelligences Qualitative research Currículo e Inovação Pedagógica . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais