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A metodologia Thinkspace tem como finalidade o desenvolvimento de um espaço de
reflexão critica e compreensão entre profissionais com competências educacionais com o
principal intuito de fornecer às crianças/jovens um ambiente educacional securizante, tendo
na sua base a teoria da vinculação. A presente investigação procura avaliar esta metodologia
e o seu impacto nas práticas educativas em contexto não formal, junto de profissionais que
atuam com crianças/jovens que ostentam comportamentos desafiantes. A amostra foi
constituída por 13 técnicas dos Centros Comunitários da Região Autónoma da Madeira.
Recorreu-se à aplicação de um questionário sociodemográfico, da Escala de Vinculação de
Adultos, da Escala de Relacionamento Aluno-Professor, do Inventário de Autoavaliação de
competências de contenção e apoio emocional, do Inventário do Comportamento da Criança
para Professores, do Questionário de Avaliação da Formação e foi desenvolvido um Focus
group acerca da avaliação da metodologia. Os dados foram recolhidos via online e
presencialmente. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a metodologia Thinkspace esta
associada a alteração de práticas educativas dos profissionais e a uma diminuição dos
comportamentos percebidos como desafiantes, pelo que pode vir a ser uma ferramenta útil
para auxiliar os profissionais que desenvolvem a sua prática em contextos educativos não
The Thinkspace methodology aims the development of a space for critical reflection and understanding among professionals with educational skills with the main purpose of providing children/young people a secure educational environment, based on attachment theory. The main objetive is to evaluate this methodology and its impact on educational practices in a non-formal context, with professionals who work with children/young people who exhibit challenging behavior. The sample inclueded 13 professionals from the Community Centers of the Autonomous Region of Madeira. As evaluation tools were used a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Adult Attachment Scale, the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale , the Self-Assessment Inventory of Containment and Emotional Support Skills, the Child Behavior Inventory for Teachers and a Training Assessment Questionnaire was developped a Focus Group on methodology assessment and. All data were collected online and in person. The results obtained demonstrate that the Thinkspace methodology is associated with changes in educational practices of professionals and a decrease in behavior perceived as challenging, so it may become a useful tool to help professionals who develop their practice in non-formal educational contexts.
The Thinkspace methodology aims the development of a space for critical reflection and understanding among professionals with educational skills with the main purpose of providing children/young people a secure educational environment, based on attachment theory. The main objetive is to evaluate this methodology and its impact on educational practices in a non-formal context, with professionals who work with children/young people who exhibit challenging behavior. The sample inclueded 13 professionals from the Community Centers of the Autonomous Region of Madeira. As evaluation tools were used a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Adult Attachment Scale, the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale , the Self-Assessment Inventory of Containment and Emotional Support Skills, the Child Behavior Inventory for Teachers and a Training Assessment Questionnaire was developped a Focus Group on methodology assessment and. All data were collected online and in person. The results obtained demonstrate that the Thinkspace methodology is associated with changes in educational practices of professionals and a decrease in behavior perceived as challenging, so it may become a useful tool to help professionals who develop their practice in non-formal educational contexts.
Thinkspace Relação pedagógica Educação não formal Vinculação Comportamentos desafiantes Pedagogical relation Non-formal education Attachtment Challenging behaviors Psicologia da Educação . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades