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Sérgio António Neves Lousada

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  • Hydraulic Planning in Insular Urban Territories: The Case of Madeira Island—Ribeira Brava, Tabua
    Publication . Lousada, Sérgio; Alves, Raul; Fernandes, Mário; Gonçalves, Leonardo
    This study’s primary goal was to conduct an analysis of the flood propensity of the Tabua (Ribeira Brava) drainage basin’s main watercourse. In addition to that, this study also recommends two different methodologies in order to mitigate flood impacts, namely by dimensioning a detention basin and adjusting the riverbed roughness coefficient. Regarding the study on the flood propensity, it was necessary to resort to geomorphological data, which were obtained when characterizing the watershed; these data were crucial to determining the expected peak flow rate, according to the Gumbel distribution methodology and considering a 100-year return period, and to perform necessary tasks in the SIG ArcGIS 10.5 software. Lastly, the drainage capacity of this drainage basin’s river mouth was also analyzed in order to conclude whether it would have the capacity to drain the total volume of rainwater if an extreme flood event were to happen. Indeed, the main results show that this watershed’s river mouth does not have the necessary drainage capacity to cope with an extreme event for the return period that was considered. As a consequence, the two aforementioned mitigation measures were developed considering the Tabua (Ribeira Brava) drainage basin’s specific features. The size of the detention basin was estimated through the Dutch method and the simplified triangular hydrograph method, while the adjustment of the roughness coefficient was considered a valid solution to enhance the drainage capacity of this river mouth.
  • Hidrologia, recursos hídricos e ambiente: aulas teóricas
    Publication . Lousada, Sérgio António Neves; Camacho, Rafael Freitas
  • Hidráulica: aulas práticas
    Publication . Lousada, Sérgio António Neves; Camacho, Rafael Freitas
  • Port Structures, Maritime Transport, and Tourism
    Publication . Lousada, Sérgio; Castanho, Rui Alexandre
  • Hidráulica: aulas teóricas
    Publication . Lousada, Sérgio António Neves; Camacho, Rafael Freitas
  • A Framework for Assessing Nature-Based Urban Stormwater Management Solutions: A Preliminary Spatial Analysis Approach Applied to Southeast Serbia
    Publication . Blagojević, Borislava; Vasilevska, Ljiljana; Anđelković, Dimitra; Bogojević, Aleksandar; Lousada, Sérgio
    The development of the stormwater management strategies, e.g., low-impact development (LID), water-sensitive urban design (WSUD), and sustainable drainage solutions (SUDS), was initiated in the mid-1980s as a set of engineering approaches and technologies to reduce the harmful effects of stormwater. Over time, all of them evolved in the holistic, multidisciplinary approaches and, today, they are increasingly viewed and implemented under the umbrella term “Nature-based Solutions” (NbS). The technical elements and measures of these NbS represent various technical solutions, implemented i.a., according to the suitability of the site to achieve their maximum efficiency. Currently, there are no standards or procedures for the application of NbS technologies in Serbia. To overpass this and encourage implementation, we carried out preliminary assessment of NbS elements suitability for application in eight urban settlements in the Region of Southern and Eastern Serbia. The assessment is based on publicly available data and performed according to the existing recommendations in the field of spatial planning and rainwater management for WSUD. The analyses were conducted by GIS tools that involved spatial analyses of various terrain characteristics and provided an insight into the criteria, i.e., constraints that are key to the placement of various technical elements, including bioretention, rain garden, and permeable pavement. Research findings point out that creation of the thematic maps with area suitability ratings for individual NbS stormwater elements might represent a good starting point for further investigation, planning, and design. The proposed framework for preliminary assessment is potentially useful for the countries and regions without regulations in the field of NbS for stormwater management.
  • The Role of Ports in Tourism: Porto Santo Harbour
    Publication . Lousada, Sérgio; Castanho, Rui Alexandre
    The island of Porto Santo belongs to the Madeira Archipelago and is often described as an idyllic paradise for its warm waters and its iconic sandy beach, though it faces vulnerabilities such as insularity; a small economy; geographic remoteness; and scarce population, area, and available resources. Nevertheless, these disadvantages have a silver lining because small territories can act as laboratories to test and develop models that can subsequently be implemented at a larger scale. This work provides a case study of the role of ports in tourism development It presents an analysis of air and maritime transport used by tourists to visit the Island of Porto Santo, Madeira Islands, Portugal. The climate changes and strong winds during the year can reduce tourist demand for the inter-island sea travel in the Madeira Archipelago. Porto Santo is a strategic transfer point for tourism, and improving the shipping infrastructures will enable a faster and more diversified maritime trans portation system. To capitalise on these developments, Porto Santo needs to improve its reputation as an exclusive beach destination. This will reduce tourism seasonality and improve sustainability.
  • The use of detention basins to reduce flash flood hazard in small and steep volcanic watersheds - a simulation from Madeira Island
    Publication . Vieira, I.; Barreto, V.; Figueira, C.; Lousada, S.; Prada, S.
    Madeira, like many mountainous volcanic islands, is susceptible to flash floods. Throughout its history, about 40 large events resulted in more than 1200 victims and countless damages. Recently, urban areas expanded greatly, leading to a higher exposure of the population to flash floods. In order to analyse ways to reduce vulnerability and decrease hazard in the urbanised, flash flood prone watershed of the Machico River, the construction of detention basins (DB) is simulated. A hydrological and hydraulic model was performed to determine if they would be a viable option to protect downstream populations. Modelling suggests that two 12 m high outlet structures, and a storage capacity of 111 298 m3 (DB1) and 121 095 m3 (DB2), would reduce peak discharge by 72%, from a precipitation event with a return period of 100 years. Two identified sen sitive Sections (S) had their fill rates reduced from 130.6% to 79.6% (S1) and from 128.6% to 33.4% (S2), thus preventing channel overflow. A concise eco nomic analysis was made in terms of implementation and maintenance costs, as well as a SWOT analysis highlighting that DB should be regarded as a viable engineering solution to reduce vulnerability to flash floods hazards in volcanic islands with small, steep, and urbanised watersheds.
  • Local Housing Strategy: Analysis of Importance and Implementation in Machico Municipality, Madeira
    Publication . Alves, Raul; Lousada, Sérgio; Cabezas, José; Gómez, José Manuel Naranjo
    This article presents a detailed analysis of the local housing strategies (ELH) in the Mu nicipality of Machico, Madeira, examining the diagnosis of housing needs, proposed solutions, and projected goals for the future. In addition to addressing the rehabilitation of private and public hous ing and the increase in housing supply, the study also explores how ELH relate to the new generation of housing policies and the public support program for promoting housing solutions for vulnerable people. It is important to note that the implementation of ELH in Machico also has a positive impact on the local landscape and climate resilience, promoting the conservation of important forest areas for the production and management of natural resources.
  • Hydrology, water resources and environment: practice
    Publication . Lousada, Sérgio António Neves; Camacho, Rafael Freitas; Rincon Rodrigues, Adhonys Alexander