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Com a Carta Europeia das Línguas Regionais ou Minoritárias, o tema das línguas europeias não
oficiais, nomeadamente as românicas, parecia ganhar destaque. Porém, quem estuda
Linguística Românica tenderá a dar predominância às línguas nacionais, as dominantes,
que também são línguas oficiais da União Europeia. As que, politicamente, não têm esse
estatuto vão sendo esquecidas. Para o comprovar, bastará observar os manuais de
Linguística Românica publicados e divulgados, inclusive na Internet. Que alcance teve a
Carta desde 1992 em quem estuda Linguística Românica? Que vitalidade tem, ou pode ter,
a Carta em manuais de Linguística Românica?
With the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, the issue of non-official European languages, especially Romance languages, seemed to gain importance. However, those who study Romance Linguistics tend to give priority to national languages, the dominant languages that are also official languages of the European Union. Politically, when the languages don’t have this status they are forgotten. To prove this, it is enough to look at the published and widespread handbooks on Romance Linguistics, including those on the Internet. What effect has the Charter had on students of Romance Linguistics since 1992? What vitality does or can the Charter have in the handbooks of Romance Linguistics?
With the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, the issue of non-official European languages, especially Romance languages, seemed to gain importance. However, those who study Romance Linguistics tend to give priority to national languages, the dominant languages that are also official languages of the European Union. Politically, when the languages don’t have this status they are forgotten. To prove this, it is enough to look at the published and widespread handbooks on Romance Linguistics, including those on the Internet. What effect has the Charter had on students of Romance Linguistics since 1992? What vitality does or can the Charter have in the handbooks of Romance Linguistics?
União Europeia Línguas românicas não oficiais Políticas linguísticas Línguas dominantes Manuais de linguística românica European Union Non-official Romance languages Language policy Dominant languages Romance linguistics handbooks . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades