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O presente trabalho foi elaborado no mestrado em Inovação Pedagógica oferecido pela
Universidade da Madeira (UMa) de Portugal realizado no Brasil. A intenção principal foi
verificar se as atividades desenvolvidas na Educação Ambiental como projeto social
desenvolvido por alunos e professores no curso técnico em Agroecologia no Colégio Estadual
José Ribeiro Araújo (CEJRA) em Canarana, Bahia, Brasil, constituíam como Inovação
Pedagógica representando uma mudança qualitativa na cultura da escola, rompendo com as
práticas tradicionais ainda muito presentes no cotidiano das escolas públicas brasileiras.
A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa através de um estudo de caso
etnográfico utilizando a observação participante, entrevistas semi estruturadas, pesquisa
bibliográfica e documental, diário de campo, registro de sons e imagens. Sua fundamentação
teórica teve como base a discussão sobre o ensino da Educação Ambiental na Educação
Profissional enquanto projeto social através das práticas agroecológicas por meio de uma
intervenção pedagógica emancipatória defendida por Ruscheinsky, Guimarães e Caporal,
Freire assim como as propostas de Fino e Sousa sobre Inovação Pedagógica.
O ensino da Educação ambiental como projeto social no local de estudo apresenta-se
certamente enquanto possibilidade de Inovação Pedagógica por compor diferentes elementos
essenciais à mudança cultural de uma escola. O caráter interdisciplinar das práticas
agroecológicas une diferentes áreas do conhecimento, os saberes culturais locais e contribuem
para uma aprendizagem significativa. Neste contexto, a educação é encarada como um projeto
social emancipador que pode possibilitar a transformação do processo ensino aprendizagem
em atitude de interação e reflexão favorecendo que alunos adquiram conhecimentos
científicos a nível global e utilizem soluções em suas comunidades.
This work was elaborated in the Master's Degree in Pedagogical Innovation offered by the University of Madeira (UMa) of Portugal held in Brazil. The main intention was to verify whether the activities developed in Environmental Education as a social project developed by students and teachers in the technical course in Agroecology at Colégio Estadual José Ribeiro Araújo (CEJRA) in Canarana, Bahia, Brazil, constituted as Pedagogical Innovation representing a qualitative change in school culture, breaking away from traditional practices that ares still very present in the daily life of Brazilian public schools. The research was carried out through a qualitative approach through a ethnographic case study using participant observation, semi-structured interviews, bibliographical and documentary research, field diary, recording of sounds and images. Its theoretical foundation was based on the discussion on the teaching Environmental Education in Professional Education as a social Project through agroecological practices through an emancipatory pedagogical intervention defended by Ruscheinsky, Guimaraes and Caporal, Freire as well as the proposals by Fino and Sousa on Pedagogical Innovation. The teaching of Environmental Education as a social project in the place of study presentes itself-certainly as a possibility of Pedagogical Innovation, as it composes different - essential elements for the cultural change of a school. The interdisciplinary nature of agroecological practices unites different areas of knowledge, the local cultural knowledge and contributes to meaningful learning. In this context, education is seen as an emancipatory social project that can enable the transformation of the teaching-learning process into an attitude of interaction and reflection, favoring that students acquire scientific knowledge at a global level and use solutions in their communities.
This work was elaborated in the Master's Degree in Pedagogical Innovation offered by the University of Madeira (UMa) of Portugal held in Brazil. The main intention was to verify whether the activities developed in Environmental Education as a social project developed by students and teachers in the technical course in Agroecology at Colégio Estadual José Ribeiro Araújo (CEJRA) in Canarana, Bahia, Brazil, constituted as Pedagogical Innovation representing a qualitative change in school culture, breaking away from traditional practices that ares still very present in the daily life of Brazilian public schools. The research was carried out through a qualitative approach through a ethnographic case study using participant observation, semi-structured interviews, bibliographical and documentary research, field diary, recording of sounds and images. Its theoretical foundation was based on the discussion on the teaching Environmental Education in Professional Education as a social Project through agroecological practices through an emancipatory pedagogical intervention defended by Ruscheinsky, Guimaraes and Caporal, Freire as well as the proposals by Fino and Sousa on Pedagogical Innovation. The teaching of Environmental Education as a social project in the place of study presentes itself-certainly as a possibility of Pedagogical Innovation, as it composes different - essential elements for the cultural change of a school. The interdisciplinary nature of agroecological practices unites different areas of knowledge, the local cultural knowledge and contributes to meaningful learning. In this context, education is seen as an emancipatory social project that can enable the transformation of the teaching-learning process into an attitude of interaction and reflection, favoring that students acquire scientific knowledge at a global level and use solutions in their communities.
Inovação pedagógica Educação ambiental Educação profissional Práticas agroambientais Projeto social Pedagogical innovation Environmental education Professional education Agro-environmental practice Social project Ciências da Educação - Inovação Pedagógica . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais