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Este trabalho objetivou classificar e mapear as informações pedológicas das terras do Estado da Paraíba através do
cruzamento de planos de informações utilizando o geoprocessamento para identificar áreas favoráveis ao cultivo do feijão
caupi. Na metodologia foi utilizada o Zoneamento Agropecuário do Estado da Paraíba e o mapa digital de solos numa
base de dados elaborada no software SPRING 5.2.2 onde foi extraída as informações pedológicas dos solos à partir da
chave da fórmula básica da classe de capacidade de uso da terra, e elaborada a classificação dos fatores restritivos de
salinidade, profundidade efetiva, pedregosidade, fertilidade, erosão, drenabilidade, declividade e textura, e criado no
LEGAL, uma linguagem para a classificação do potencial pedológico dos solos sob dois níveis de manejo (B e C), em
função do aumento dos fatores limitantes em: muito alto, alto, médio, baixo e muito baixo. Os resultados demonstraram
que com as técnicas de geoprocessamento proporcionou resultados satisfatórios na espacialização das áreas de potencial
da cultura do feijão caupi. Não foram mapeadas e identificadas áreas com potencial Muito Alto para o manejo B e C
devido a maior exigência da cultura do feijão caupi; pequenas áreas com possibilidade do cultivo do feijão caupi não
foram mapeadas devido à escala de trabalho utilizada; essa avaliação realizada é independente das condições climáticas
e, portanto, não oferece, isoladamente, todos os elementos necessários para exploração sustentada da cultura; as áreas
com potencial pedológico para a cultura do feijão caupi aumenta consideravelmente com a adoção do manejo C; o maior
potencial pedológico para a cultura do feijão caupi das terras do Estado da Paraíba apresenta-se em áreas constituídas de
Argissolos e Latossolos; e em menor potencial em Neossolos Litólicos e Luvissolos.
This study aimed to classify and map information soil of the land the state of Paraíba by crossing information plans using GIS to identify areas favorable to the cultivation of cowpea. The methodology used was the Agricultural Zoning of the State of Paraíba and the digital soil map in a database developed in the SPRING 5.2.2 software where the soil was extracted information from the soil to the key basic formula of usability class land, and elaborated the classification of restrictive factors of salinity, effective depth, stoniness, fertility, erosion, drainability, slope and texture, and created at Legal, a language for the potential classification pedological soil under two management levels (B, C), due to the increase of the limiting factors: very high, high, medium, low and very low. The results showed that with the geoprocessing techniques provides satisfactory results in the spatial distribution of potential areas of cowpea culture; not have been mapped and identified areas with potential Very High for handling B and C due to the higher demand of the cowpea crop; small areas with the possibility of cowpea cultivation were not mapped due to the used working range; this assessment carried out regardless of weather conditions and therefore does not offer, alone, all the necessary elements for sustained exploration of culture; pedological areas with potential for cowpea cultivation increases considerably with the adoption of management C; the greatest potential for pedological cowpea cultivation of the Paraíba state land features in areas consist of Argisols and Latosols; and to a lesser potential Litholic Neosols and Luvisols.
This study aimed to classify and map information soil of the land the state of Paraíba by crossing information plans using GIS to identify areas favorable to the cultivation of cowpea. The methodology used was the Agricultural Zoning of the State of Paraíba and the digital soil map in a database developed in the SPRING 5.2.2 software where the soil was extracted information from the soil to the key basic formula of usability class land, and elaborated the classification of restrictive factors of salinity, effective depth, stoniness, fertility, erosion, drainability, slope and texture, and created at Legal, a language for the potential classification pedological soil under two management levels (B, C), due to the increase of the limiting factors: very high, high, medium, low and very low. The results showed that with the geoprocessing techniques provides satisfactory results in the spatial distribution of potential areas of cowpea culture; not have been mapped and identified areas with potential Very High for handling B and C due to the higher demand of the cowpea crop; small areas with the possibility of cowpea cultivation were not mapped due to the used working range; this assessment carried out regardless of weather conditions and therefore does not offer, alone, all the necessary elements for sustained exploration of culture; pedological areas with potential for cowpea cultivation increases considerably with the adoption of management C; the greatest potential for pedological cowpea cultivation of the Paraíba state land features in areas consist of Argisols and Latosols; and to a lesser potential Litholic Neosols and Luvisols.
Geotecnologias Mapeamento Classificação Solos Impedimentos Geotechnology Mapping Classification Soil Use restrictions . Escola Superior de Tecnologias e Gestão
Francisco, P. R. M., Santos, D., do Nascimento Santos, F., & de Macedo, F. L. (2018). Potencial pedológico das terras do estado da Paraíba para o cultivo do feijão caupi (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). Boletim de Geografia, 36(2), 31-44.
Universidade Estadual de Maringá