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Ainda que o envelhecimento seja um fenômeno natural de uma fase existencial e social
do ser humano, revela-se um período de fragilidade e vulnerabilidade dos indivíduos.
Esse fato leva a sociedade a pensar em estratégias e a criar políticas sociais adequadas às
necessidades dessa nova clientela, pessoas acima de sessenta anos, as quais nem sempre
podem contar com os cuidados e a atenção dos familiares, porque estes, pela exigência
do mundo atual, trabalham fora do lar. Por outro lado, alguns idosos estão aproveitando
a velhice para realizar atividades que não foram concretizadas, enquanto jovens, por
vários motivos. Nesse tocante, este estudo propôs-se a analisar as práticas pedagógicas
do Projeto de Convivência vivenciadas no Centro de Referência da Assistência Social -
CRAS, Portal da Família, no Distrito de Pilar, Jaguarari, BA e envolveu 28 idosos e os
profissionais que com eles trabalham. O seu objetivo foi compreender as práticas
pedagógicas do Projeto de Convivência da Terceira Idade para determinar se elas
envolvem Inovação Pedagógica. Para tanto, a investigação desenvolveu-se dentro da
metodologia qualitativa com a realização de um estudo de caso de cariz etnográfico, com
aporte teórico nos autores que embasam o processo de Inovação Pedagógica, tais como:
Fino, Lapassade, Toffler, Sousa, Macedo, Vygotsky, dentre outros. Para desenvolver este
estudo, usaram-se as seguintes técnicas e instrumentos de coleta de dados: observação
participante, entrevistas, análise documental e o diário de campo. Diante da pesquisa
realizada, e a respeito do desenvolvimento das práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas no
Projeto de Convivência na Terceira Idade, concluímos que presenciamos a sua capacidade
de gerar mudança paradigmática, provocando transformações nas bases tradicionais da
educação, que vão além das fronteiras curriculares, favorecendo aos idosos caminharem
pelo saber e, para tais idosos, a conquista que o CRAS lhes proporciona para fazer,
construir conhecimentos por eles próprios, e desta forma, por meio destas rupturas,
configurando a inovação pedagógica, nas Práticas Pedagógicas do CRAS, Portal da
Although aging is a natural phenomenon of an existential and social stage of the human being, it is a period of fragility and vulnerability of individuals. This fact leads the society to think of strategies and create social policies appropriate to the needs of this new clientele, people over sixty years old, who can not always count on the care and attention of family members, because they, due to the demands of current world, work outside home. On the other hand, some seniors are taking advantage of old age to perform activities that have not been carried out while young people for several reasons. In this regard, this study aimed to analyze the pedagogical practices of the Coexistence Project experienced at the Reference Center of Social Assistance - CRAS, Family Portal, in the Pilar District, Jaguarari, BA and it involved 28 elderly and the professionals who work with them. The objective was to understand the pedagogical practices of the Coexistence Project to determine if they involve Pedagogical Innovation. Therefore, the research was developed within the qualitative methodology with a case study of an ethnographic nature, with theoretical support in the authors that support the Pedagogical Innovation process, such as: Fino, Lapassade, Toffler, Sousa, Macedo, Vygotsky, among others. To develop this study, the following data collection techniques and instruments were used: participant observation, interviews, document analysis and the field diary. Facing the accomplished research, and regarding the development of the pedagogical practices developed in the Coexistence Project in the Third Age, we concluded that we witnessed its capacity to generate paradigmatic change, causing transformations in the traditional bases of education, which go beyond curricular boundaries, favoring the elderly walk by knowledge and, for such elderly, the achievement that CRAS provides them to do, build knowledge by themselves, and thus, through these disruptions, configuring pedagogical innovation, in the Pedagogical Practices of CRAS, Family Portal.
Although aging is a natural phenomenon of an existential and social stage of the human being, it is a period of fragility and vulnerability of individuals. This fact leads the society to think of strategies and create social policies appropriate to the needs of this new clientele, people over sixty years old, who can not always count on the care and attention of family members, because they, due to the demands of current world, work outside home. On the other hand, some seniors are taking advantage of old age to perform activities that have not been carried out while young people for several reasons. In this regard, this study aimed to analyze the pedagogical practices of the Coexistence Project experienced at the Reference Center of Social Assistance - CRAS, Family Portal, in the Pilar District, Jaguarari, BA and it involved 28 elderly and the professionals who work with them. The objective was to understand the pedagogical practices of the Coexistence Project to determine if they involve Pedagogical Innovation. Therefore, the research was developed within the qualitative methodology with a case study of an ethnographic nature, with theoretical support in the authors that support the Pedagogical Innovation process, such as: Fino, Lapassade, Toffler, Sousa, Macedo, Vygotsky, among others. To develop this study, the following data collection techniques and instruments were used: participant observation, interviews, document analysis and the field diary. Facing the accomplished research, and regarding the development of the pedagogical practices developed in the Coexistence Project in the Third Age, we concluded that we witnessed its capacity to generate paradigmatic change, causing transformations in the traditional bases of education, which go beyond curricular boundaries, favoring the elderly walk by knowledge and, for such elderly, the achievement that CRAS provides them to do, build knowledge by themselves, and thus, through these disruptions, configuring pedagogical innovation, in the Pedagogical Practices of CRAS, Family Portal.
Idosos Envelhecimento Práticas pedagógicas Inovação pedagógica Elderly Aging Pedagogical practices Pedagogical innovation Ciências da Educação – Inovação Pedagógica . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais