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O tema, aqui, abordado, busca promover um diálogo entre os saberes da peda gogia de Paulo Freire, no sentido de pertinência e, ao mesmo tempo, de pertenci mento de uma pedagogia crítica que, ao mesmo tempo em que tece uma práxis,
também, aponta para a omnilateralidade. Sentido este que abre as perspectivas
para a superação da fragmentação do saber e de uma educação castradora da sub jetividade e da expressão do ser na sua plenitude. A realidade, hoje, nos confron ta com a mutalidade da ciência e, ao mesmo tempo, com as múltiplas verdades,
com a incerteza profissional, com a crise do trabalho e na saúde, com a relatividade
dos conhecimentos sem pátria. Pode-se denunciar a visão tecnicista pela qual foi
concebida a educação profissional, que possuía na sua base a ideologia dominan te da classe burguesa. Nessa perspectiva, a concepção de educação acompanhava
um modelo forjado no contexto do trabalho e do mercado. Portanto, o texto faz um
recorte temporal e superficial a partir da década de 1940, e busca analisar as bases
conceituais de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, na contemporaneidade, e os
possíveis avanços epistemológicos e pedagógicos que apontam para a transforma ção numa tessitura social de formação do intelectual orgânico, trilhando o percur so de uma práxis omnilateral e inovadora no mestrado ProfEPT no IFBA, Brasil.
The studied theme promotes a dialogue between the knowledge of Paulo Frei re’s pedagogy, in the sense of belonging and, at the same time, belonging to a cri tical pedagogy, which, at the same time, weaves a praxis, but also points to omni laterality. This sense opens the perspectives for overcoming the fragmentation of knowledge and a castrating education of subjectivity and the expression of being in its fullness. Contemporary, reality confronts us with the mutality of science and, at the same time, with the multiple truths, with professional uncertainty, with the crisis in work and health, with the relativity of knowledge without a country. One can denounce the technicist vision by which professional education was concei ved, which had at its base the dominant ideology of the bourgeois class. In this perspective, the concept of education followed a model wrought in the context of work and the market. Therefore, the study makes a temporal and superficial cut from the 1940s, and seeks to analyze the conceptuais bases of professional and Te chnological Education, in contemporary times, and the possible epistemological and pedagogical advances that point to the transformation in a social fabric of for mation of the organic intellectual, tracing the path of an omnilateral and innovati ve praxis in the ProfEPT master’s degree at IFBA, Brazil.
The studied theme promotes a dialogue between the knowledge of Paulo Frei re’s pedagogy, in the sense of belonging and, at the same time, belonging to a cri tical pedagogy, which, at the same time, weaves a praxis, but also points to omni laterality. This sense opens the perspectives for overcoming the fragmentation of knowledge and a castrating education of subjectivity and the expression of being in its fullness. Contemporary, reality confronts us with the mutality of science and, at the same time, with the multiple truths, with professional uncertainty, with the crisis in work and health, with the relativity of knowledge without a country. One can denounce the technicist vision by which professional education was concei ved, which had at its base the dominant ideology of the bourgeois class. In this perspective, the concept of education followed a model wrought in the context of work and the market. Therefore, the study makes a temporal and superficial cut from the 1940s, and seeks to analyze the conceptuais bases of professional and Te chnological Education, in contemporary times, and the possible epistemological and pedagogical advances that point to the transformation in a social fabric of for mation of the organic intellectual, tracing the path of an omnilateral and innovati ve praxis in the ProfEPT master’s degree at IFBA, Brazil.
Pedagogia da autonomia Paulo Freire Educação profissional e tecnológica Omnilateralidade Hegemonia Educação crítica Pedagogy of autonomy Professional and technological education Omnilaterality Hegemony Critical education . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais
Centro de Investigação em Educação da Universidade da Madeira (CIE-UMa)