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Tendo em conta que nas orientações curriculares para a educação pré-escolar
(OCEPE) a sensibilização às ciências sociais e naturais e a responsabilidade e cons ciência ambiental e de sustentabilidade são aprendizagens a promover na educação
de infância (EI) e que as crianças têm interesse em explorar o meio envolvente me diante a sua curiosidade natural sobre o mundo, procurei saber o que elas dizem
acerca da aprendizagem das ciências na EI. Nesta comunicação far-se-á a apresen tação de um estudo de caso na Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM), pelas vozes de
um grupo de crianças, no qual focamos os seus planos de ação na área de Conheci mento do Mundo e as atividades que, nesse âmbito, fazem no seu quotidiano na EI.
Complemento, esta abordagem etnográfica com uma análise às plantas de 19 salas de
EI. As vozes das crianças indicam que elas desejam conhecer o mundo designada mente os animais, todavia não realizam atividades que deem resposta a esses planos.
Acresce o facto de nenhuma das salas analisadas possuir uma área de atividades or ganizada no sentido de promover a aprendizagem experimental das ciências. Urge,
por isso, repensar a organização do ambiente educativo nas salas de EI no sentido de
promover a abordagem às ciências no âmbito da área de conhecimento do mundo
Bearing in mind that in the curriculum guidelines for early childhood educa tion (ECE) awareness of the social and natural sciences and responsibility and en vironmental and sustainability awareness are learnings to be promoted in ECE and that children have an interest in to explore their surroundings through their natu ral curiosity about the world, I sought to know what they say about science lear ning in ECE. In this paper, a case study will be presented by the voices of a group of children, focusing on their action plans in the area of world knowledge and the activities they do in their daily life in ECE. This ethnographic approach is comple mented by a documentary analysis of the floor plant of 19 classrooms of children aged 3 to 6 years. The voices of children indicate that they want to know the world, namely animals, but do not perform activities that respond to these plans. In ad dition, none of the floor plans analyzed have an organized area to promote experi mental learning of the sciences. Therefore, it is urgent to rethink the organization of the educational environment in order to promote the approach to science in the area of world knowledge in de ECE.
Bearing in mind that in the curriculum guidelines for early childhood educa tion (ECE) awareness of the social and natural sciences and responsibility and en vironmental and sustainability awareness are learnings to be promoted in ECE and that children have an interest in to explore their surroundings through their natu ral curiosity about the world, I sought to know what they say about science lear ning in ECE. In this paper, a case study will be presented by the voices of a group of children, focusing on their action plans in the area of world knowledge and the activities they do in their daily life in ECE. This ethnographic approach is comple mented by a documentary analysis of the floor plant of 19 classrooms of children aged 3 to 6 years. The voices of children indicate that they want to know the world, namely animals, but do not perform activities that respond to these plans. In ad dition, none of the floor plans analyzed have an organized area to promote experi mental learning of the sciences. Therefore, it is urgent to rethink the organization of the educational environment in order to promote the approach to science in the area of world knowledge in de ECE.
Área de conhecimento do mundo Abordagem às ciências Educação de infância Orientações curriculares Vozes das crianças Children´s voices Curriculum guidelines Early childhood education Ethnography with children World knowledge Science learning . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais
Centro de Investigação em Educação da Universidade da Madeira