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  • The impact of perioperative data science in hospital knowledge management
    Publication . Baptista, Márcia; Vasconcelos, José Braga; Rocha, Álvaro; Silva, Rita; Carvalho, João Vidal; Jardim, Helena Gonçalves; Quintal, António
    Conservative practices, such as manual registry have limited scope regarding preoperative, intraoperative and post operative decision making, knowledge discovery, analytical techniques and knowledge integration into patient care. To maximize quality and value, perioperative care is changing through new technological developments. In this context, knowledge management practices will enable future transformation and enhancements in healthcare services. By performing a data science and knowledge management research in the perioperative department at Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça between 2013 and 2015, this paper describes its principal results. This study showed perioperative decision-making improvement by integrating data science tools on the perioperative electronic system (PES). Before the PES implementation only 1,2% of the nurses registered the preoperative visit and after 87,6% registered it. Regarding the patient features it was possible to assess anxiety and pain levels. A future conceptual model for perioperative decision support systems grounded on data science should be considered as a knowledge management tool.
  • Suicide: a preventable phenomenon in adolescents
    Publication . Jardim, Maria Helena de Agrela Gonçalves; Silva, Rita Baptista; Silva Júnior, Geraldo Bezerra da; Caldas, José Peixoto; Santos, Zélia; Silva, Isa Baptista
    The profound changes in environmental, ecological, socio-cultural, ideologi cal and familiar materials in the last decades, confront adolescents with situa tions of hostility often generators of mental disorders in particular suicide risk. These evidences advocate the imperious need to promote mental health and balance of individual/social citizens, particularly the younger ones. In this context, the author developed a cross-sectional study, correlational and infe rential statistics, whose aim is to “evaluate the level of suicidal risk of young students from 12 to 18 years of the Autonomous Region of Madeira Island (RAM), Portugal”. The representative sample is probabilistic and stratified, composed of 1557 adolescents of both genders, attending basic and secondary schools in the municipality of RAM whose average age is 15.2. The selected measuring instrument was the suicide risk scale of Stork which showed high internal consistency (Alfa de Cronbach = 0.91) and good reliability. Most youngsters show no suicidal risk (67.7). However, 16.8% of young people should be the subject of concern, as 10.1% reveal weak risk, 4.0% showed im portant suicidal risk and 2.7% suicidal risk is extremely important. There is an association between suicidal risk (p = 0.000) gender and age groups (p = 0.000), being the highest rates in the 15 to 18 age group. As schooling level in creases, the risk of suicide, on the basis of the number of failures, being most evident in those that failed once. Parents being married or not also influences the manifestation of suicidal risk (p = 0.003), being most evident in young people whose parents are not married. The fact that the adolescents deal or dealt with some disease (p = 0.038), drink or have drunk alcohol (p = 0.003) as well as not socializing with colleagues (p = 0.000); has significant influence on the suicidal risk. In the same way, taking or have taken drugs (p = 0.000) influence the suicide risk. These results are a contribution in the statistics field of action. To study the suicide risk is an incentive to the scientific community for future research and the development of strategic support programs with specific interventions to promote the mental health of young people and social and educational policies.
  • Inovação informática de atendimento holístico do idoso no bloco operatório
    Publication . Silva, Rita Maria Lemos Baptista; Martins, Maria Manuela Ferreira Pereira da Silva; Jardim, Maria Helena de Agrela Gonçalves
    A cirurgia, como ferramenta crucial na resolução de problemas nos idosos, na melhoria de funções e qualidade de vida, despertou-nos para a construção de um programa de inovação informática de atendimento holístico do idoso no bloco operatório, visando reconstruir as práticas de enfermagem perioperatória e adequar as intervenções dos enfermeiros às necessidades dos idosos atendidos no bloco operatório do Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça. Para a sua consecução efetuámos dois estudos: o primeiro “estudo piloto”, quantitativo e descritivo, teve por objeto compreender as características e avaliar o estado funcional dos idosos (n= 120). Verificou-se que a média do “Índice de Barthel” foi de 63,9 e à medida que a idade aumenta, aquele diminui. O segundo, de tipo quantitativo e correlacional, teve como objetivo avaliar o programa de atendimento ao cliente no bloco operatório, com enfoque no idoso em período perioperatório e nos enfermeiros perioperatórios. Para a sua consecução, efetuou-se uma observação estruturada às práticas de enfermagem perioperatória (n=111), antes e após a aplicação do referido programa, e, simultaneamente, averiguamos indicadores relacionados com o idoso em fase perioperatória (n=460), utilizando variáveis clínicas e variáveis associadas a escalas de medida, nomeadamente: Índice de Barthel, avaliação da dor aguda pósoperatória, ansiedade-estado de Spielberger for Adults, the Amestardâ Preoperative Anxiety and Information, avaliação do risco de queda e avaliação do risco de úlceras por pressão. Decorrente da implementação do programa, observaram-se melhorias significativas na performance dos enfermeiros, entre as quais, a realização da visita pré e pós-operatória (86,7%), a avaliação da ansiedade pré-operatória (86,7%), a avaliação da dor aguda pós-operatória (100%), a realização de registos completos pré e pós-operatórios (86,7%; 96,7%). No atendimento integral dos clientes idosos, constatou-se que a maioria é do sexo feminino (57,8%; 63%) com idades entre os 65-69 anos (36,5%; 30%). A especialidade com maior representatividade foi a cirurgia geral (34,3%; 29,1%), do tipo Major (70,0%; 78,7%). A maioria dos idosos foi submetida a anestesia geral (58,7%; 59,6%) sendo o tempo médio de recobro de 3 horas e 31 minutos, na 1ª fase, e 3 horas e 10 minutos, na 2ª fase. O nível de ansiedade pré-operatória e a dor aguda evidenciaram uma diminuição significativa no pós-operatório na 2ª fase. Os resultados comprovaram a aplicabilidade e exequibilidade deste programa, sendo a sua validação efetuada apenas nos clientes idosos.
  • Resilience, daily spiritual experience and self-efficacy of the university teachers: differentiation according to postgraduate training
    Publication . Capelo, Maria Regina Teixeira Ferreira; Brasil, Christina César Praça; Serrano-Díaz, Noemí; Silva, Raimunda Magalhães; Catrib, Ana Maria Fontenelle; Santos, Zélia Maria de Sousa Araújo; Silva, Rita Maria Lemos Baptista
    The required training of university teachers has been increasingly affected by changes in world politics, a product of globalization that is giving new profiles to the world of work. This study analyzes the differential perceptions of resilience, daily spiritual experience and self-efficacy of Brazilian university lecturers based on postgraduate academic training. For this reason, a quantitative and cross-sectional study is presented with the participation of 189 lecturers from a private university in the northeast of Brazil. The representations of the participants were evaluated from the answers given to the scales of resilience, daily spiritual experience and self-efficacy of the university lecturers, depending on the postgraduate training. An analysis of the differences based on graduate training suggests that graduate lecturers perceive themselves to be more resilient than their non-doctoral and doctoral peers; that non-doctoral university professors perceive a greater acceptance of life than doctorates; there was no significant differentiation in everyday spiritual experience; Postdoctoral university professors stand out for feeling greater self-efficacy in relation to didactic strategies for lesson planning, didactic strategies to actively involve students, and didactic strategies to promote interaction in the classroom. It is concluded that postgraduate training influences the representations of university professors about the way in which they face the adversities of daily work and how they evaluate their teaching self efficacy. It follows that the promotion of postgraduate training of university professors is of utmost importance, specifically at the postdoctoral level, since this variable can become a determining factor in the quality of the service provided by the university.
  • Nursing postoperative visit as a quality indicator for surgical patient care
    Publication . Silva, R.; Martins, M. M.; Jardim, H. G.
    The postoperative visit as a quality indicator for surgical patient care, demands some consideration from perioperative nurses. We evaluated the nursing perioperative interventions on postoperative visits, and adjusted them to the needs of the patients with postoperative pain. Our study indicated that 73% of patients visited didn’t have postoperative pain whereas 27% had pain. The pain is aggravated when the patient is mobilised, one of the most common signs and symptoms being gastrointestinal changes. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures were used in pain management. The results showed that the percentage of patients with postoperative visits needs to be improved. We aim to have high quality perioperative nursing interventions which raise levels of patient satisfaction.
  • Mental health of the population affected after natural disaster of 20 february 2010 in Madeira Autonomous Region
    Publication . Jardim, Helena Gonçalves; Silva, Rita; Gouveia, Bruna Raquel; Baptista, Márcia
    Natural disasters resulting from climate change have increased currently.More and more people feel unprotected without security and therefore vulnerable to stress and anxiety may cause lasting mental illness. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD), is an anxiety problem that develops in some people after extremely traumatic events, such as combat, crime, an accident or natural disaster.People with PTSD may relive the event via intrusive memories, flashbacks and nightmares; avoid anything that reminds them of the trauma; and have anxious feelings they didn’t have before that are so intense their lives are disrupt (APA, 2013).Identifying the natural disaster of the 20th February 2010 in the Autonomous Region of Madeira as a potentially traumatic event, the objectives of this research were: (1) to describe the levels of PTSD and dissociative responses to exposure to peritraumatic experiences associated with alluvial the natural disaster of February 20, 2010, in a sample of adults living in the Autonomous Region of wood (RAM), namly in the districts of Funchal, Santa Cruz and Ribeira Brava; (2) to analyze the relationship between the district of residence and levels of PTSD and dissociative responses to exposure to peritraumatic experiences; and (3) to assess the rate of occurrence of PTSD in these individuals. This cross-sectional study included a sample of 602 adults living in the districts most affected like Funchal, Ribeira Brava and Santa Cruz. The instruments for assessing the individuals were the Peritraumatic Experiences Questionnaire (QEPT; Maia, Moreira &Fernandes, 2009) and the Response Evaluation to Traumatic Event Scale (EARAT; McIntyre & Ventura, 1996). The majority of the population was exposed to significant peritraumatic experiences (85.4%) and about a quarter of the sample (25.4%) had criteria for the diagnosis of PTSD. Between the subsamples defined by district in respect to the average scores of the QEPT and subscale EARAT – Long term Responses we verify the existence of statistically significant differences. Most individuals exposed to significant peritraumaticexperiences was found in the sub-sample of Santa Cruz (90.5%) and the highest percentage of people diagnosed with PTSD was found in the sub-sample of Ribeira Brava (32.6%) The scientific importance and the clinical relevance of these findings, envision their usefulness in understanding the impact of this natural disaster with a view to the promotion of mental health in the support to victims of disasters in Madeira.
  • The psychological impact on the emergency crews after the disaster event on February 20, 2010
    Publication . Jardim, Helena Gonçalves; Silva, Rita; Baptista, Márcia Silva; Gouveia, Bruna Raquel
    The scope of this article is to screen thesymptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among the professionals of health and public safety security who providedhumanitarian aid for the population of Madeira after the 2010 alluvium. It involves a cross-sectional study. The list of life events (LAV) and theperi-traumaticexperiences questionnaire (PTSB)—adult versionwere used for screening symptoms.The participants included 405 professionalson the emergency crews (mean age = 34.51). Most are male (83.5%) and was in his residence (52.8%) at the time of the event.The results showed that there are significant differences between the profession and the response to the event (P < 0.001), as well as in relation to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), being most evident in the group of firemen and military (P < 0.001) of developing PTSD.Therefore, the mental health care of the professionals should suggest the vital need for specific training and the prevention of psychological disorders.
  • Individual wellness according to college students
    Publication . Jardim, Maria Helena de Agrela Gonçalves; Silva Júnior, Geraldo Bezerra da; Silva, Rita Baptista; Alves, Márcia Lúcia Sousa Dias; Gouveia, Bruna Raquel Figueira Ornelas de
    Aims:This study aims to identify the values of the dimension Individual Well-being, defended by the students of the University of Madeira (Uma), Portugal and the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Brazil. Methods: this is a representative sample of University students (n = 605) 225 of the University of Madeira (UMa) and 380 of the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR). The data were collected in the year 2017 in all centres of universities. As inclusion criteria 18-24 years’students the students of 18-24 years attending graduate courses. We used the structured questionnaire on values (adapted from the European Values Survey), composed of 30 questions, grouped by 6 dimensions: Individual well-being; Interpersonal Relationships; Participation and Social intervention; Ethics and Sense of life; Family and socio-political values. Ethical issues and ethical rules were respected. This article focuses only one-dimension well-being encompassing issues of personal satisfaction, physical/psychological well-being and conception of success in life. Results: the majority are female (65.3% UMa and 74.2% UNIFOR) and single (96.0% UMa and 96.3% UNIFOR). With regard to the Individual well-being much of the population refers to feelings of instability (53.8% UMa and 53.2% UNIFOR) and anxiety (36.1% UMa and 41.6% UNIFOR). As for the personal satisfaction a significant percentage of students are not satisfied with your luck (UMa 48.8% and 38.4% UNIFOR), health (UMa 47.6% and UNIFOR 23.4%), work (42.6% UMa and 42.4% UNIFOR) and your social position (UMa 37.4% and UNIFOR 24.8%), being the most valued satisfaction aspects the family (UMa 92.4% and 93.4% UNIFOR), health (Uma 92% and UNIFOR 76.6%) and have a good job (UMa 91.6% and UNIFOR 96.8%). In contrast, the less valuable is to have influence and power (UMa 52.5% and UNIFOR 57.9%). The majority considers to be people with success in life (UMA57.8% and UNIFOR 85.8%), on the understanding that the success in life is to have a happy family (Uma 72.4%) and to be a good person (57.8% UMa). Conclusions: this study is intended as a contribution to further research in this field, because the knowledge of the Individual well-being of college students provides the establishment of programs directed to mental health, with interventions of prevention and promotion of health that are aimed at improving the quality of life and well-being.
  • Differential manifestation of teacher self-efficacy in Brazilian university professors in the health area
    Publication . Capelo, Maria Regina Teixeira Ferreira; Brasil, Christina César Praça; Serrano-Diaz, Noemí; Santos, Zélia Maria de Sousa de Araújo; Silva, Rita Maria Baptista Lemos; Silva, Raimunda Magalhães; Frota, Mirna Albuquerque
    Self-efficacy has occupied the research space due to the relevance it holds as an explanatory mechanism of human performance to understand the characteristics of the population, the study analyzed the differentiation of beliefs of self-efficacy of university professors who teach in the health area according to gender, marital status, age, seniority at work, religion and training graduate academic. A cross sectional and quantitative study was attended by 189 university professors working in a private university in northeastern Brazil. The differentiation indicate that Women perceive themselves more self-effective in the elaboration of didactic strategies to favor interaction in class; older teachers consider themselves more effective in didactic strategies for the planning of classes and postdoctoral teachers stood out for the higher sense of self-efficacy regarding didactic strategies for class planning, didactic strategies to actively implicate students and didactic strategies to favor interaction in class. Self-efficacy as an explanatory mechanism of human performance is determinant and therefore it is important to be enhanced in university professors for the pursuit of a higher quality of teaching-learning of future health professionals.