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A crise ecológica provocada e acentuada pela humanidade está a atingir proporções
alarmantes. Os desequilíbrios ambientais extravasaram há muito a dimensão local e
com as alterações climáticas atingiram um efeito global sistémico deveras preocupante.
Para além da fé em tecnologias mais limpas e eficientes, as soluções mais esperanço sas têm residido em transformações a operar pela educação ambiental, em particular
como processo promotor da literacia ambiental. No entanto, apesar das já longas dé cadas de algum esforço nesta estratégia, é inegável que os resultados são insuficientes
face à dimensão da crise e à profundidade das mudanças a operar. Como consequên cia, os desequilíbrios ambientais agravam-se de ano para ano, exigindo outro enqua dramento e uma atuação mais consequente. Assim, como sinal de reorientação da es tratégia que tem sido seguida nas últimas décadas e como forma de ganhar eficácia e
dar profundidade às transformações sociais necessárias, propõe-se como novo e mais
completo desafio da educação ambiental a promoção da Cultura Ambiental.
The ecological crisis, due to the influence of human activity, is growing to an alarming dimension. The environmental disequilibrium is no longer only at local level and, especially with climate change, reached a global dimension and a systemic effect of high concern. Besides faith in clean and efficient technologies, the hope has been put in changes to be operate by environmental education, specially through a better environmental literate citizenry. However, despite the long decades with some effort in this strategy, nobody can deny that results are not enough taking in consider ation the crisis dimension and the deepness of the needed changes. In the meantime, environmental unbalances get worse year by year, demanding another framework and a most effective action. Therefore, as a sign of the reorientation of the strategy that has been followed in the last decades and as a way to gain effectiveness and give depth to the necessary social transformations, the promotion of Environmental Cul ture is proposed as a new and more complete challenge of environmental education.
The ecological crisis, due to the influence of human activity, is growing to an alarming dimension. The environmental disequilibrium is no longer only at local level and, especially with climate change, reached a global dimension and a systemic effect of high concern. Besides faith in clean and efficient technologies, the hope has been put in changes to be operate by environmental education, specially through a better environmental literate citizenry. However, despite the long decades with some effort in this strategy, nobody can deny that results are not enough taking in consider ation the crisis dimension and the deepness of the needed changes. In the meantime, environmental unbalances get worse year by year, demanding another framework and a most effective action. Therefore, as a sign of the reorientation of the strategy that has been followed in the last decades and as a way to gain effectiveness and give depth to the necessary social transformations, the promotion of Environmental Cul ture is proposed as a new and more complete challenge of environmental education.
Crise ecológica Educação ambiental Literacia ambiental Cultura ambiental Ecological crisis Environmental education Environmental literacy Environmental culture . Faculdade de Ciências da Vida
Centro de Investigação em Educação da Universidade da Madeira (CIE-UMa)