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A situação de pandemia mundial devido à COVID-19 teve implicações diversas na vida das
famílias. Em Portugal, após ter sido decretado o primeiro confinamento geral em março de 2020,
as interações e as vivências diárias de adultos e crianças dominaram o espaço de habitação.
Dessa forma, também o exercício da parentalidade se confrontou com novas dinâmicas e
exigências. O objetivo deste estudo é perceber como é que a experiência do confinamento foi
associada a mudanças em que o funcionamento familiar depende em grande medida do modo
como é exercida a parentalidade. Os participantes foram 1384 pais ou cuidadores (89.9% mães)
que viviam com pelo menos um filho com menos de 18 anos, tendo participado de forma
voluntária e consentida, respondendo ao convite partilhado nas redes sociais (e.g., Facebook,
WhatsApp). Responderam no inquérito online, formado por 5 escalas relativas às rotinas diárias,
à coparentalidade, à comunicação e regulação emocional, às redes de suporte social e ao humor,
indicando o grau das mudanças no funcionamento familiar associadas ao exercício da
parentalidade durante o tempo em confinamento. A partir do controlo do efeito das variáveis
etapa do ciclo vital e a condição laboral, os resultados (Two-Way Manova) evidenciam
mudanças no exercício da parentalidade. A etapa do ciclo e a condição do teletrabalho parecem
surtir efeitos na disciplina positiva, no envolvimento familiar, no papel parental, na aliança
parental e no acordo entre cônjuges, na tensão e sensibilidade emocional, bem como na
perceção de apoio da rede informal. Salienta-se o papel das capacidades parentais e da
parentalidade positiva como recursos de proteção necessários à estabilidade e ajustamento da
criança e ao bem-estar da família.
The worldwide pandemic situation due to COVID-19 had diverse implications in the lives of families. In Portugal, after the first general confinement that was decreed in March 2020, the daily interactions and experiences of adults and children dominated the living space. Thus, the exercise of parenting also faced new dynamics and demands. This study aims to understand how the experience of confinement was associated with changes in which family functioning depends to a large extent on the way parenting is exercised. The participants were 1384 parents or caregivers (89.9% mothers) living with at least one child under the age of 18, which participated voluntarily and consented by responding to the invitation shared on social media (e.g., Facebook, WhatsApp). They responded in the online survey, formed by 5 scales regarding daily routines, co-parenting, communication and emotional regulation, social support networks and mood, indicating the degree of changes in family functioning associated with the exercise of parenting during the time in confinement. By controlling for the effect of the variables life cycle stage and employment status, the results (Two-Way Manova) show changes in parenting. The stage of the cycle and the teleworking condition seem to have effects on positive discipline, family involvement, parental role, parental alliance and agreement between spouses, emotional tension and sensitivity, and the perception of support from the informal network. The role of parenting skills and positive parenting as protective resources necessary for the stability and adjustment of the child and the well-being of the family is highlighted.
The worldwide pandemic situation due to COVID-19 had diverse implications in the lives of families. In Portugal, after the first general confinement that was decreed in March 2020, the daily interactions and experiences of adults and children dominated the living space. Thus, the exercise of parenting also faced new dynamics and demands. This study aims to understand how the experience of confinement was associated with changes in which family functioning depends to a large extent on the way parenting is exercised. The participants were 1384 parents or caregivers (89.9% mothers) living with at least one child under the age of 18, which participated voluntarily and consented by responding to the invitation shared on social media (e.g., Facebook, WhatsApp). They responded in the online survey, formed by 5 scales regarding daily routines, co-parenting, communication and emotional regulation, social support networks and mood, indicating the degree of changes in family functioning associated with the exercise of parenting during the time in confinement. By controlling for the effect of the variables life cycle stage and employment status, the results (Two-Way Manova) show changes in parenting. The stage of the cycle and the teleworking condition seem to have effects on positive discipline, family involvement, parental role, parental alliance and agreement between spouses, emotional tension and sensitivity, and the perception of support from the informal network. The role of parenting skills and positive parenting as protective resources necessary for the stability and adjustment of the child and the well-being of the family is highlighted.
COVID-19 Parentalidade positiva Comunicação familiar Rede de apoio Positive parenting Family communication Support network . Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades
Universidade do Minho. Instituto de Educação. Centro de Investigação em Educação