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Neste artigo, pretendemos estabelecer um diálogo entre o pensamento de Paulo
Freire – Ensinar exige disponibilidade para o diálogo (resgatado da sua obra “Pedagogia
da Autonomia”) – e a ação flexível do currículo em relação com uma prática pedagógica reinventada. Várias têm sido as questões colocadas por Paulo Freire a partir
da década de 60 e que continuam bem atuais. De facto, os saberes pedagógicos são
basilares para esbater a impermeabilidade à mudança, sendo que para o efeito, a
ação do professor é basilar para a efetivação de um diálogo fundamentado no currículo, nomeadamente na área da Educação Artística, cujas dimensões envolvem a
escola, o professor e o aluno, por um lado, e, por outro, a abertura a novas formas
de gerir esse mesmo currículo. E é neste entrecruzar de fios que colocamos em diálogo vários intervenientes na gestão curricular, à luz de normativos em vigor.
In this article, we intend to establish a dialogue between Paulo Freire’s thinking - Teaching requires availability for dialogue (recovered from his work Pedagogia da Autonomia) - and the flexible action of the curriculum in relation to a reinvented pedagogical practice. Several questions have been raised by Paulo Freire since the 1960s and remain very up to date. In fact, pedagogical knowledge is crucial to blur impermeability to change and for that purpose teacher’s action is essential for the realization of a dialogue based on the curriculum, namely in the area of Artistic Education whose dimensions involve the school, the teacher and the student, on the one hand, and on the other the openness to new ways of managing that same curriculum. And it is in this interweaving of threads that we put in dialogue several actors in curriculum management, in the light of current regulations.
In this article, we intend to establish a dialogue between Paulo Freire’s thinking - Teaching requires availability for dialogue (recovered from his work Pedagogia da Autonomia) - and the flexible action of the curriculum in relation to a reinvented pedagogical practice. Several questions have been raised by Paulo Freire since the 1960s and remain very up to date. In fact, pedagogical knowledge is crucial to blur impermeability to change and for that purpose teacher’s action is essential for the realization of a dialogue based on the curriculum, namely in the area of Artistic Education whose dimensions involve the school, the teacher and the student, on the one hand, and on the other the openness to new ways of managing that same curriculum. And it is in this interweaving of threads that we put in dialogue several actors in curriculum management, in the light of current regulations.
Paulo Freire Prática pedagógica Flexibilidade curricular Educação Pedagogical practice Curricular flexibility Education . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais
Centro de Investigação em Educação da Universidade da Madeira (CIE-UMa)