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O direito à Educação, consagrado constitucionalmente, representa um pilar fundamental na
sociedade portuguesa. Em específico, o acesso ao ensino superior é amplamente reconhecido
como um catalisador para o desenvolvimento individual e societal. No entanto, as barreiras
socioeconómicas podem comprometer a concretização desse potencial, especialmente numa
época em que persiste uma crescente inflação e aumento do custo de vida. Adicionalmente, é
importante notar que a Região Autónoma da Madeira apresentou, em 2021, o mais elevado
nível de risco de pobreza ou exclusão social (28,9%). Neste contexto, surge a necessidade
premente de compreender a relação entre as dificuldades financeiras dos/as estudantes e o
abandono do ensino superior.
O presente trabalho pretende caracterizar e compreender as razões/os factores que conduzem
os/as estudantes, na Universidade da Madeira, a abandonarem o ensino superior, dando
enfoque às razões/aos factores socioeconómicos. Também, se pretende entender de que modo
as políticas públicas nacionais, regionais e locais são eficazes para a sua prevenção e combate,
de modo a produzir recomendações para que haja uma mudança/melhoria das políticas públicas
e um aumento da conscientização para esta problemática, por parte de todos/as os/as
A metodologia adotada para a presente investigação é o estudo de caso qualitativo, tendo-se
optado pela realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Neste sentido, foram entrevistadas
treze pessoas (quatro profissionais e nove estudantes da Universidade da Madeira) e,
posteriormente, procedeu-se à respetiva análise de conteúdo das narrativas recolhidas.
Este estudo evidencia que, apesar dos esforços em facultar bolsas de apoio e outras formas de
auxílio, a nível nacional, regional, local e até da própria instituição académica e do sector
privado, ainda subsiste a necessidade de implementar e/ou aprimorar respostas para prevenir
e combater o abandono no ensino superior, na região. Neste contexto, foram formuladas
recomendações dirigidas a vários sectores/entidades, tendo em vista promover a equidade de
oportunidades no acesso e na conclusão do ensino superior e a minimizar as barreiras
financeiras, que podem limitar o potencial educativo dos/as estudantes na Região Autónoma da
The right to education, constitutionally enshrined, represents a fundamental pillar in Portuguese society. In particular, access to higher education is widely recognized as a catalyst for individual and societal development. However, socioeconomic barriers can compromise the realization of this potential, especially at a time when rising inflation and rising cost of living persist. In addition, it is important to note that the Autonomous Region of Madeira presented, in 2021, the highest level of risk of poverty or social exclusion (28.9%). In this context, there is a pressing need to understand the relationship between students' financial difficulties and dropping out of higher education. The present work aims to depict and understand the reasons/factors that lead students at the University of Madeira to abandon higher education, focusing on socioeconomic reasons/factors. It is also intended to understand how national, regional, and local public policies are effective for their prevention and combat in order to produce recommendations for a change/improvement of public policies and an increase in awareness of this problem by all stakeholders. The methodology adopted for the present investigation is the qualitative case study, choosing a semi-structured interviews system. In this sense, thirteen people were interviewed (four professionals and nine students from the University of Madeira) and, subsequently, the respective content analysis of the collected narratives was carried out. This study shows that, despite efforts to provide support grants and other forms of aid at national, regional, local, and even the academic institution itself and the private sector, there is still a need to implement and/or improve responses to prevent and combat dropout in higher education in the region. In this context, recommendations were made to various sectors/entities to promote equal opportunities in accessing and completing higher education and to minimize financial barriers, which may limit the educational potential of students in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
The right to education, constitutionally enshrined, represents a fundamental pillar in Portuguese society. In particular, access to higher education is widely recognized as a catalyst for individual and societal development. However, socioeconomic barriers can compromise the realization of this potential, especially at a time when rising inflation and rising cost of living persist. In addition, it is important to note that the Autonomous Region of Madeira presented, in 2021, the highest level of risk of poverty or social exclusion (28.9%). In this context, there is a pressing need to understand the relationship between students' financial difficulties and dropping out of higher education. The present work aims to depict and understand the reasons/factors that lead students at the University of Madeira to abandon higher education, focusing on socioeconomic reasons/factors. It is also intended to understand how national, regional, and local public policies are effective for their prevention and combat in order to produce recommendations for a change/improvement of public policies and an increase in awareness of this problem by all stakeholders. The methodology adopted for the present investigation is the qualitative case study, choosing a semi-structured interviews system. In this sense, thirteen people were interviewed (four professionals and nine students from the University of Madeira) and, subsequently, the respective content analysis of the collected narratives was carried out. This study shows that, despite efforts to provide support grants and other forms of aid at national, regional, local, and even the academic institution itself and the private sector, there is still a need to implement and/or improve responses to prevent and combat dropout in higher education in the region. In this context, recommendations were made to various sectors/entities to promote equal opportunities in accessing and completing higher education and to minimize financial barriers, which may limit the educational potential of students in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
Pobreza Abandono Ensino superior Região Autónoma da Madeira Políticas públicas Estudo de caso Madeira (Portugal) Poverty Abandonment Higher education Autonomous Region of Madeira Public policies Case study . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais