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A necessidade de personalizar a aprendizagem do aluno, tornando-o o centro do
processo com vista ao desenvolvimento das suas capacidades e potencialidades, é
uma premissa consensual. Contudo, nem sempre a praxis é coerente com o quadro
conceptual (QC) defendido.
O nosso objetivo é ilustrar formas de atuação coerentes com este QC, e aplicar a
situações de atividades de adaptação ao meio pressupostos como: i) Compreensão
funcional das atividades; ii) Lógica assente em princípios ativos com vista à resolu ção de problemas; e iii) A utilização de uma metodologia de Diagnóstico/Prescri ção/Controlo como estratégia de intervenção.
Através da demonstração da utilização deste conjunto de instrumentos preten demos contribuir para a identificação de estratégias de intervenção compatíveis
com o QC apresentado.
The need to personalize student learning, making him the center of the process aiming to develop his capabilities and potential, is a consensual premise. However, praxis is not always consistent with the conceptual framework (CF) advocated, as Paulo Freire argues. In this line, our goal is to illustrate ways of acting consistent with this CF, and to apply them to situations of environment adaptation sport activities, assumptions such as: i) Functional understanding of activities; ii) Logic based on active prin ciples to solve problems; and iii) The use of a Diagnosis / Prescription / Control methodology as an intervention strategy. By demonstrating the use of this set of instruments, we intend to contribute to the identification of intervention strategies compatible with the presented CF.
The need to personalize student learning, making him the center of the process aiming to develop his capabilities and potential, is a consensual premise. However, praxis is not always consistent with the conceptual framework (CF) advocated, as Paulo Freire argues. In this line, our goal is to illustrate ways of acting consistent with this CF, and to apply them to situations of environment adaptation sport activities, assumptions such as: i) Functional understanding of activities; ii) Logic based on active prin ciples to solve problems; and iii) The use of a Diagnosis / Prescription / Control methodology as an intervention strategy. By demonstrating the use of this set of instruments, we intend to contribute to the identification of intervention strategies compatible with the presented CF.
Personalização Atividades de adaptação ao meio Educação física Personalization Environment adaptation sport activities Physical education . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais
Centro de Investigação em Educação da Universidade da Madeira (CIE-UMa)